Zhengguan Journalist Cheng Zixin Intern Li Yun

On March 21, a netizen posted that in 2023, Zhang Mouqing drove 300 kilometers to beat his 67 -year -old grandfather Yu Moushan, broke the old man's teeth, discounted the ribs, and the abdomen was planned by the weapon.hurt.The experience of being beaten in the picture has caused heated discussion among netizens.

Screenshot of the post

On the 22nd, the reporter from Zhengguan contacted Mr. Li, who learned that the incident happened at 20:00 on April 20, 2023. The old man Yu Mushan argued with Zhang Mouqing dueMotor Qing took a car from Mirius District, Qiqihar to the residence of Yumou Mountain in Yi'an County to beat the mountain.

On the 22nd, the journalists in Zhengguan contacted the local police station. The police on duty told reporters that the case is currently being processed and it is not convenient to disclose relevant information.

At first, the old man Yu Xiang did not tell his granddaughter about the matter. When Mr. Li also went home at the end of last year, he found that the old man had congestion at the corner of the old man.thing.

Mr. Li said that the beaten man Zhang Mouqing contracted the municipal greening project in Yian County. Grandpa Yu Mount was about a month at that time. On the evening of April 20, 2023When it was too comfortable, he called Zhang Mouqing, saying that his body was not very comfortable recently. He wanted to get the work money. He had to go home to the hospital to see the disease, but Zhang Mouqing did not pay the salary.Later, Zhang Mouqing and Yu Moushan had a mouthful on the phone. Zhang Mouqing took two people to drive more than 300 kilometers to the construction site.

"After seeing Yu Mountain in the dormitory, he blindfolded my grandfather's head directly, and then the two beaten my grandfather. A person put the wind at the door and was afraid that others would call the police." Mr. Li told Zhengguan News reporter."After the fight, I forcibly dragged my grandfather into the car again, and pulled it into the ground to fight again."

Mr. Li provided the recording of the night to Zhengguan Journalists. A man kept abused the old man and asked the old man to kneel down. The sound of the old man panting and mourning in the recording.

Then he reported to the police.On May 8, 2023, the third police station of the Yi'an County Public Security Bureau, according to the third police station of the Public Security Bureau, insults each other on the phone against Zhang Mouqing and Yu Moushan, and gave a fine of Yubai Mountain for fines.

According to the report of the Judicial Appraisal Center of Qiqihar Eyan Public Security, on June 9, 2023, Grandpa Yu Xiangshan performed injuries. Comprehensive analysis believes that the facial soft tissue of the mountain head is trauma, the eyes are injured, the chest and abdomen closed traumaThe diagnosis of the tenth rib fracture of the bilateral side was established and rated as a minor injury.

"The police station was given the case in September. After the case was filed, the police station arrested Zhang Mouqing. On the 8th day after the arrest, Zhang Mouqing was released on bail. That night, he went to the grandfather's house to intimidate with his knife."Mr. Li said.

Mr. Li said that Yu Mushan was very scared, so he went to Shenyang to avoid. Zhang Mouqing still intimidated the phone and went to the Mahjong Pavilion often gone in the mountains. "Death him. ""At present, the case has been transferred to the procuratorate."Mr. Li said."My appeal only wants him to get the punishment he deserves."

Edit: Gu Chenqian

Coordinating: Shi Chuang