Wang Shouwen, Deputy Minister of Commerce of China, met with Allen, president of the US -China Trade Commission, and his party said that China insisted on expanding opening up and continuously improving the business environment for foreign companies.

According to the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce on Thursday (March 21), the deputy minister of China and representative of the International Trade Negotiating Wang Shouwen Wednesday (20th) met with Allen, President of the US -China Trade Commission,represent.The two sides exchanged issues such as Sino -US economic and trade relations and China's business environment.

Wang Shouwen said that Chinese President Xi Jinping met with US President Bayeng in San Francisco last November to form a "San Francisco Vision" for the future.China is willing to actively implement the consensus of the heads of state of the two countries and strive to create stable expectations for cooperation between the two countries.

He said that the long -term fundamental fundamentals of China's economy have not changed. China has unswervingly expand opening up and continuously improves the business environment. Welcome American companies to continue to take root in China and share China's development opportunities.Wang Shouwen also responded to the concern of US -funded enterprises one by one.

The Chinese press release quoted Allen that the US -China Trade Commission and member enterprises attach importance to the Chinese market. Welcome Chinese measures to further expand openness and improve the business environment and will continue to work in China for a long time.

Wang Shouwen also met with He Liqiang, the president of the National Committee of the United States and China Relations on the same day and the managing director of the Macraty Consulting company.The two sides exchanged issues such as Sino -US economic and trade relations.

Wang Shouwen said that Sino -US economic and trade relations are an important stable force of Sino -US relations.China will actively implement the consensus of San Francisco, the heads of state of the two countries, and promote the healthy, stable, and sustainable development of Sino -US economic and trade relations.

Wang Shouwen pointed out that the Chinese economy has shifted from a high -speed growth stage to a high -quality development stage. The Chinese government will unswervingly promote high -level openness and continue to optimize the business environment. This will beEnterprises bring more development opportunities.

Chinese press release quoted He Liqiang that American companies attach importance to the Chinese market and are willing to develop in China for a long time.It is hoped that the United States and China will strengthen communication and expand space for the cooperation between the industrial and commercial community of the two countries.