Video Source: Metropolis Express (00:17) On the afternoon of March 19, "Weiyan Education" WeChat public account released news: Recently, the central approval: Comrade Zhang Liqun Ren Ren President (Deputy Minister) of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Deputy Party Committee Deputy Party Committee Deputy Party Committee Deputy Party CommitteeSecretary; Comrade Wang Shuguo no longer serves as the president of Xi'an Jiaotong University and deputy secretary of the party committee.

On March 19, Xi'an Jiaotong University held a meeting of teachers and cadres.Comrade Peng Jinhui, deputy minister of the Central Organization Department, announced the decision and speech by the Central Committee. Comrade Wang Jiayi, member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, and Comrade Guo Yonghong, member of the Standing Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.Comrade Lu Jianjun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University chaired the meeting.

The surging news reporter "Shaanxi Metropolis Express" and other video numbers released a video of Wang Shuguo after leaving the school after leaving the school.In the video, Wang Shuguo bowed to many teachers and students of Xi'an.When he left with the car, Wang Shuguo also frequently waved goodbye to teachers and students.

Public information shows that Wang Shuguo, male, Han nationality, born in October 1958, graduate degree, doctorate degree, professor, member of the Communist Party of China.He has served as the vice president of Harbin Institute of Technology, the head of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the secretary of the party group, the president of Harbin Institute of Technology. In April 2014, he served as the member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and President of Xi'an Jiaotong University.

Wang Shuguo has served as the principal of Xi'an Jiaotong University for nearly 10 years, and has left a lot of touching moments. Wang Shuguo is also known as the "Internet Red President".

In 2021, the official Douyin account of Xi'an Jiaotong University put a speech by President Wang Shiguo.

In the video, President Wang shouted to students and parents as an old educator: "Life is a very critical period in life.The important role of the university is an atmosphere of educating people. In this atmosphere, you are not just learning knowledge, but to turn knowledge into your own ability ...P>

It is worth mentioning that according to the reminder of netizens' messages, President Wang's speech was repeated, and the sentence was inspiring, and netizens praised "the truth."

On July 3, 2021, Xi'an Jiaotong University's graduation ceremony in 2021 was held.The full text of the official website of Xi'an Jiaotong University published the speech of the principal Wang Shuguo at the 2021 student graduation ceremony of Xi'an Jiaotong University.

In the speech of the graduation ceremony, Wang Shuguo focused on the expectations of General Secretary Xi Jinping at the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China: aspirations, bones, and Qi, and talked about his own experience.

Wang Shuguo explained, what is ambitious?Aspirations are from feelings, and a person without family feelings cannot talk about ambitions.Loyalty is loyal to the country and the nation.Aspirations are contributions, to be down -to -earth, and sprinkle their heads for the country and nations.What is the bone air?Bone air is confident. A person who has no confidence has no bone air, and the cartilage head can never stand the backbone of the nation.

Talking about the confidence, Wang Shuguo said: "People with confidence are capable people, people with confidence are contributing people, and people with confidence are people. No matter what position he is in.Even if he is a small staff member, an ordinary worker, a peasant, as long as he has ideals, beliefs, and pursuits, his contribution in his post must be a great contribution.

The winner of the Seventh Medal, Zhang Guimei, President of the Women's Senior High School, Lijiang Huaping, Yunnan Province, and Wang Shuguo commented on her: "I have cultivated so many girls, she has dreams and pursuits in her heart. She knows that Chinese children cannotThere is no knowledge and no culture, everything she does is for the future of the nation.

In the end, Wang Shuguo sent a message to the youth, remembering the aspirations, bones, and confidence of his predecessors. He learned from history and faced with the future, and made the contribution of adults.

On the morning of July 2, 2023, the graduation ceremony of the 2023 Graduate of Xi'an Jiaotong University encountered heavy rain. Lu Jianjun, the secretary of the Party Committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University, supported the umbrella for Wang Shuguo, the principal of the speech.

On -site video showed that Wang Shuguo was removing the manuscript at the graduation ceremony. The clothes had been wet by the rain. Lu Jianjun, the secretary of the school party committee, opened the umbrella to the behind him, and was noticed by Wang Shuguo a few seconds later.
