The former Deputy Secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Li Guang, was arrested for alleged bribe.

According to CCTV News on Wednesday (March 20), the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China said that the Supreme People's Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Shang Liguang on suspicion of bribery in accordance with the law.

It is reported that Shang Liguang was suspected of accepting a bribery case and was investigated by the China State Supervision Commission and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution.The case is being handled further.

Public information shows that 60 -year -old Shang Liguang joined the work in September 1981 and has been working in Hebei Province for a long time.He worked at the Discipline Inspection Commission of Xingtai District, Hebei Province in the early days.In 1990, Shang Liguang was transferred to the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and later served as the deputy director of the Secretariat of the General Office of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the disciplinary inspector, the deputy director and director of the publicity and education office.He served as executive deputy secretary of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection in 2010.

Shang Liguang also served as the mayor of Qinhuangdao City, Secretary of the Cangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Standing Committee Member and Secretary -General of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, Standing Committee Member of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee.In October 2021, Shang Liguang was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and was investigated until September 5, last year.

After the investigation of Shang Liguang, the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee held a meeting on the same day, emphasizing the resolutely supporting the decision of the CPC Central Committee, and said that Shang Liguang was suspected of serious disciplinary violations as senior cadres of the Communist Party of China.Essence

The State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China reported on February 29 this year that Shang Liguang was "double -opened" (expels the Communist Party of China and public office) due to serious disciplinary violations.