(Urumqi/Beijing Comprehensive News) China has continued to maintain anti -corruption and high -voltage trend. In the eight days, five central management sides have been dismissed. The latest case is Dou Wangui, a member of the Party Group and vice chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region CPPCC.Disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the State Supervision Commission.

The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection released the above news on Wednesday (March 20).According to the official website of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Committee of the CPPCC, Dou Wangui's last public appearance was on February 19.He participated in the expansion meeting of the CPPCC Party Group of the Autonomous Region that day.

Public resumes show that Dou Wangui is 61 years old, from Xuzhou, Jiangsu. He entered the system after graduating from the staff of the Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1987 and served in Xinjiang for a long time., Member of the Aksu Land Committee, Minister of Organization, Deputy Secretary of the Aksu Land Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Secretary of the Aksu Land Committee, etc.Dou Wangui served as vice chairman of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region CPPCC in January 2018 until he was investigated.

Plus the former member of the National Development Bank of the State Development Bank and vice president Li Jiping ; ChinaLi Yong, former deputy secretary and general manager of the Ocean Petroleum Group Co., Ltd.; Li Xiangang, member of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Heilongjiang Provincial People's Congress, and the member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Liu Yuejin , after the end of the two sessions of China, five central management cadres have been investigated.The number of central management cadres have been announced this year to 14 people.

The former deputy secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee in February last year and the double opening of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee It was also approved on Wednesday.According to CCTV News, the Supreme People's Procuratorate of China made a decision to arrest Shang Liguang on suspicion of bribery.Coupled with Shang Liguang, 12 middle management cadres who have been dismissed this year have been arrested.