A Chinese commercial giant pleaded guilty to the federal allegations on Monday, that is, he provided a straw donation of more than $ 10,000 to political candidates (in the name of others as a channel, donated campaign donations that exceeded the limit of legal regulations in the jurisdiction -translation notes in the note), A person familiar with the case said, including a donation provided by a New York State Councilor and New York Mayor Eric Adams.

Qin Hui, 56, lives in the old Westbury, New York. He has been listed in the Forbes Magazine Bill Billionaire List and operates an entertainment company named Xingmei Culture and is currently suspended.But he has been detained since last fall. At that time, he was arrested in an apartment in the Manhattan Plaza Hotel at the time. He was charged with false identity documents.

According to the prosecutor, Qin Hui donated to the political campaign activities that he chose to him in 2021 and 2022, but he would actually pay.Those who are familiar with the case say that other people who have received the donation are the Federal MP Andrew Gabarino and the former mayor Feng Weijie, the former mayor of Kundon, who have been running for parliament.Both were Republicans, and the mayor of Adams was Democratic.

According to a criminal prosecution in the case, Qin Hui concealed his activities to the officials he had raised for him.As a result, they submitted false donation reports without knowing it.

Prosecutor Brian Pis, a prosecutor in the Eastern District of New York, said in a statement that Qin Hui acknowledged that he "participated in a shameless deception network" and spread lies to the authorities of the supervision election.

"Ensuring the fairness of the election and the elimination of campaign donation fraud are the priority of the Ministry of Justice," Pis said in a statement."No one can override the law, no matter how much wealth or social status."

The lawyer of Adams in the 2021 campaign Vito Pita said: "As the federal government clearly stated today, our campaign team did not know about the straw donation plan, and no members of the campaign team were charged with or accused any of any.Improper behavior " Former Mayor Feng Weijie and Congress Gabarino did not respond to the request of the comment.

Qin Hui's legal dilemma is far from the charges of pleading guilty of pleading guilty in the Issley Federal Court in New York State on Monday.In September last year, he was arrested by the police in Noro County. The police accused him trying to attack his ex -wife. Earlier, his ex -wife planned to testify in court of the Manhattan Federal Court in court. The two still lived in one place at the time.

Prosecutor said that during the attack in September, Qin Hui tried to smash a locked door with an ax, and a few months ago, he tried to kill his ex -wife during another attack.

Qin Hui was sued by a China Investment Management Group in Manhattan, asking for the implementation of a US $ 450 million foreign arbitration award.It is said that after the implementation of China's arbitration, he only transferred the ownership of Long Island residence to his ex -wife and ex -mother -in -law at a price of 10 US dollars.

He also acknowledged the crime of immigration fraud and showing false identity documents on Monday.Prosecutors said he has been using the name "Li Mulin" for many years, but he missed the information when applying for a green card.

As part of the agreement reached with the prosecutor, he agreed to leave the United States after the sentence expired.His verdict was determined on May 14; the prosecutor said that if Qin Hui complied with the clause of the confession agreement, they would ask the judge to sentence the judge to a sentence of no more than six months.

Qin Hui's lawyer Henry Matrok said that his parties were happy to resolve the case.

"After years of investigation, the government made a convicted judgment on the case and suggested that no more than six months of imprisonment," he said."Mr. Qin is glad to be able to end the case and look forward to restarting his business career outside the United States."

The campaign of Mayors Adams and its municipal government have become the focus of multiple investigations.

In September last year, the prosecutor of the prosecutor's office in Manhattan charged Adams' former senior consultant and Eric Ulrich, who was then an architect.In November last year, agents of the Federal Investigation Bureau searched the residence of Brianna Sug, the chief bargain of the mayor, and the assistant to the Adams International Affairs Office, Lan Aba Sosaova, and the former mayor's transition team.Former Turkish Airlines executive Cenk Ecar's residence.

A few days later, the investigators stopped the mayor of Adam on the street and asked his bodyguard to stand aside and confiscated his electronic equipment.Part of the criminal investigation injected into its fund library.

For investigators, straw donors are a repeated theme.

In February of this year, the retired inspector Dwan Monagemari, who had made a good retirement inspector with the Mayor Adams, acknowledged the campaign to provide straw donations to the mayor's campaign.The other two other donors mentioned in the same indictment, Shahid Mustec and Ye Haya Mustec, had pleaded guilty in October last year.