Minister of Industry and Information Technology Jin Zhuanglong on Monday (March 25) described foreign -invested enterprises as an important component of China's industrial chain supply chain, and said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will implement the restrictions on the abolition of foreign capital access in the manufacturing industry.Measures encourage foreign -invested enterprises and the R & D centers they have established to undertake major research projects.

According to China 21 Economic Network, Jin Zhuanglong said at the high -level forum in China that foreign investment companies are an important component of China's industrial chain supply chain.20.4%and 23.4%, imports and exports account for 30.2%of China's total import and export, playing an important role in stabilizing China's industrial growth and promoting high -quality development.

Looking forward to the future, Jin Zhuanglong said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will continue to expand its high levels of opening up, implement the restrictions on foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing industry, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with enterprises around the world, and jointly promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain supply chain.

Jin Zhuanglong introduced that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will actively support foreign -funded enterprises to set up R & D centers in China, jointly develop technology research and development and industrialization with domestic enterprises, and encourage foreign -invested enterprises and the R & D centers they have established to undertake major research and development centers.Scientists, entrepreneurs, and investors in various countries provide better services and guarantees for innovation and entrepreneurship in China.The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will also support Chinese and foreign enterprises to strengthen cooperation and accelerate advanced application of digital technology, products and solutions in China.

He also emphasized that in the face of the complex and severe situation, it is urgent to adhere to the development of openness, deepen exchanges and cooperation, promote the global value chain and supply chain to be more complete, jointly cultivate market demand, and to promote the global economic cycle, Help the world's economic growth and make contributions to the well -being of the people of all countries.The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will unswervingly maintain the public product attributes of the industrial chain supply chain, deepen international cooperation in the industrial chain supply chain with actual actions, and jointly build a global industrial chain supply chain system that is safe and stable, open, efficient, open, and win -win.

Earlier, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang shouted at the confidence of a hundred global business leaders at the high -level forum in China, emphasizing that China's macro policy still has sufficient space, and promised to steadily advance the system.Open link world.