The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on February 28th, the official police bell 丨 greedy must not reach out, and they must be captured by any serious violation of disciplinary violations of the former owner of the Standing Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress.

He Fa, male, Han nationality, born in January 1954, joined the Communist Party of China in August 1974, and joined the work in January 1977. Former cadres of the Forestry Department of Shaanxi Province; Secretary of the Party Committee of the Taibai Mountain National Nature Reserve Management Bureau; Deputy Director of the Forestry Department of Shaanxi Provincial Forestry Department (at the level); provincial forestry seed company manager, provincial forest and wood seedling workstationWebmaster; Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Forestry and members of the party group; secretary of the party group and director of the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau; Director of the Party Committee and Director of the Party Group of the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection; Director of the Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress. retired in March 2017.

He Fa Li

After retiring in 2017, he purchased 13 sets of real estate in multiple places with violations of discipline and illegal funds. By registering property rights under the name of relatives and friends, he covered his actual facts.

In March 2021, He Fuli accepted the investigation and investigation by the Shaanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervisory Commission of the Shaanxi Provincial Discipline Inspection and Supervision. In October 2021, He Fairi was expelled from the party and canceled retirement benefits.In April 2022, He Fuli was sentenced to twelve years in prison for committing bribery and fined RMB 2 million.

He Fa's case is a typical corruption case in the field of ecological and environmental protection investigated and dealt with in Shaanxi Province in recent years.At the time of working, He Fuli used his power as a tool for seeking private interests to engage in power and money transactions; after retirement, He Fa Li still indulged in the "sweetness" brought by power and accepted property.The remaining temperature of power may bring a momentary comfort, but greedily extended the "black hand" and eventually paid a heavy price.

I do n’t distinguish between pro -clearing, throw the simplicity nature

He Fa Li was born in 1954. He used to describe his early years with "a farmer's origin and lonely into the city".In 1977, he graduated from He Fuli University. He planned to return to his hometown of Luochuan as a fruit tree technician. With the simple nature and spiritual spirit of the farmers' children, He Fuli has been committed to the heavy responsibility. At the age of 30, he was appointed as the secretary of the Party Committee of the Taibai Mountain National Nature Reserve Management Bureau and became a cadre at the same level.

Under the training of the organization, He Fuli's post is becoming more and more important. He has successively served as the deputy director of the Provincial Department of Forestry's Forestry Department (at the level); the manager of the provincial forestry seed company and the head of the provincial forest and wood seedling work station .In 1992, 38 -year -old He Fuli was promoted to the deputy director of the Provincial Department of Forestry, becoming one of the few young leading cadres in the province at that time.

The promotion of positions has made He Fa's power more and more power. Especially after serving as the director of the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau in March 2003, He Fuli soon became the target of some illegal merchants. They opened their way with money and tried their best to have a relationship with He Fara, climbing feelings, and closer.

This "warm water boiled frog" -style "hunting" made He Fa Li flutter.The balance in his heart is constantly imbalance, and he began to pursue a seemingly "glorious" luxurious life."Eating something to become a habit, taking something to become natural, step by step on the way back." He Fuli admitted in the confession book that some businessman boss spend money and spend a lot of money and big hands. On the one hand, tearOn the other hand, he also hangs his appetite. "Do not refuse the gifts of gifts for the bosses, and want to leave some of them '.

There is a problem with values, the root of the root of goldism and extravagance."Looking at the businessmen's bosses living in the villas, driving a luxury car, spending a lot of money, touched my nerves virtually, making the simplicity of my bones be softened, mixed myself with illegal merchants, and turned the normal relationship between people into people.The relationship between interests, use it with illegal merchants.Later, he still did not converge and did not stop, letting him blind his original intention, and eventually became a slave to money.

The businessman Suo, who has a close intersection with He Fa, is a more important bribery.As early as the deputy director of the Provincial Department of Forestry, He Fairi met with Suo Mou. At that time, Suo Mou's company intends to contract a piece of forest farm for wood and harvest.Get the indicator.

The two are getting closer and closer."He saw that my work was decisive and willing to help, and he gave gifts and gifts every New Year." In 2003, He Fuli was sick and hospitalized.This "emotional binding" was moved by He Fuli. "I feel that he understands people, reliable, and worthy of deep intercourse." After that, when he learned that Suo used his own influence to make a profit, He Fa Li also acquiesced.

According to statistics, He Fuli has received RMB 5.07 million, USD 30,000, and an off -road vehicle worth more than 500,000 yuan.Among them, in 2011, He Fuli asked for the name of purchasing shops, and he asked Suo Mou to bribe 5 million yuan. "This distorted interpersonal relationship has made my integrity line completely fall." He Fuli was awakened after being left over, and the investment of the businessman was always profitable.My "banner" goes to the relevant departments to ask for care, sometimes it is also used.

Since going to the post of leadership, He Fa's parents have often educated him, "others can't have it."He Fuli said that although the two elderly people did not have much literacy, they were diligent and content, honesty, kind, and not greedy, but they lost their simplicity after having power.

The bottom line is not kept, and the polluting person becomes a "source of pollution"

The Weihe River is known as the "Mother River" in Shaanxi.Since the 1980s, with the rapid development of industrialization, the source of industrial pollution based on paper mills has severely damaged the ecological function of the Shaanxi section of the Weihe River Basin.

In 2004, Shaanxi fully launched the Weihe River pollution control plan, and industrial sewage emissions exceeding the standard became the focus of rectification.In the media report of the year, He Fa Li, then the director of the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, used the words "Guan, Jian, and Governance" to talk about his governance ideas.The so -called "level" is a papermaking company that does not meet the standard.

In fact, this is just a set of "dual standards" by He Fairi.In the process of governing the water pollution problem of the Weihe River Basin, He Fuli alienated the public power given by the party and the people into a tool for seeking private interest, disregarding the decision -making and deployment of the ecological and environmental governance of the Weihe River Basin.High -polluting enterprises that bribed them to the outside world to release the determination of "not soft, dare to stubborn, and stubble" to the outside world;"Open the green light" and let it continue to pollute the environment, which has a very bad negative impact in the province's environmental protection system.

A large paper factory in Xi'an was ordered to suspend business and rectify for long -term violations of industrial wastewater. From 2004 to 2008, the person in charge of the factory Hao Hao repeatedly asked He Fa Ling to coordinate handling pollution permits and extend the time limit for rectification.In order to build the factory, Lien Zhili He Fuli even arranged the provincial papermaking enterprise symposium in the factory. With the lead of the publicity and indulgence of He Fuli, the two -level environmental protection departments of the city and county derived the problem of severe sewage discharge of the plant and did not punish it.Severe consequences and bad effects.

In 2007, another paper factory in Shaanxi was also ordered to be shut down for a long time because of sewage to the Weihe River Basin for a long time. For He Fuli's care, the person in charge of the paper factory Gao Mou gave He Fuli 1.2 million yuan in cash and 200 grams of gold.

Environmental monitoring statistics show that during the tenure of He Fa, from 2003 to 2012, the province's wastewater and pollutant emissions were generally increased.Among them, after 2003, the dry water quality pollution of the Weihe River increased year by year, especially from 2010 to 2012 for severe pollution, and the ecological environment of the Weihe River Basin was continuously damaged.

This is not only that, He Fuli also extended the "black hand" to the new environmental protection energy field.In 2005, with the support of He Fuli, a energy technology company in Xi'an became the only company in Shaanxi Province that was recognized by the provincial environmental protection department to develop methanol gasoline. Its products were promoted and used throughout the province.This "unique business" made this company earn rich profits. In 2012, the company's legal representative Tang gave a set of more than 300 square meters of housing in the Xi'an High -tech Zone to He Fuli.Until the year before He Fairi retired, he also accepted the two sets of real estate located in Sanya by Tang.

Behind the damage of the ecological environment, the more serious is the damaged political ecology.He Fa -ray turned the normal and lower -level relationships vulgarized into a simple money and interest relationship, and arranged crazy money by intervening in personnel arrangements.After investigation, From 2004 to 2015, He Fuli helped 15 people on the promotion of the environmental protection system, mobilizing work, and arrangement of employment, respectively, and received more than 2 million yuan in property.

It is the act of volatile power for He Fuli, which disrupted the people of the selection and employment of the Shaanxi environmental protection system.In the 10 years when he served as the director of the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau and the director of the Provincial Environmental Protection Department, some grass -roots environmental protection departments and subordinate enterprises and institutions cadres sent their gifts for a total of 1.12 million yuan in the name of "New Year's New Year".

As the "goalkeeper" of the ecological environment of Shaanxi Province, He Fa's reason ignores pollution prevention and ecological environmental protection, and uses the people's "green water and green mountains" to exchange for their own unrighteous wealth and change from pollution to the source of pollution.Seriously corrupted the cadre team's atmosphere and destroyed the system's political ecology.

Retreat, I do not know how to repent against the investigation

The ecological environmental protection department assumes important responsibilities such as administrative approval, law enforcement punishment, and environmental protection inspectors. Some unique merchant bosses try to obtain unfair interests in the way of "hunting" environmental protection system leading cadres.The reason why He Fa's theory goes step by step towards the abyss of the crime, although there are objective factors such as being "hunting" and poor implementation of the system, but the root cause is that there is no party in the heart, no people in the heart, no responsibility in the heart, and no abstinence in the heart.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the face of anti -corruption high -pressure trends, the ideal that is not ideal is to converge and take the initiative to explain the problem, but to think about how to cover up his disciplinary violations and escape the party discipline.National law punishment.In the meantime, he manipulated and held a bank account under the name of multiple others, covering up and concealed the source and nature of the stolen money through the transfer of funds between bank accounts.

In February 2013, He Fuli was appointed Director of the Agricultural and Rural Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress.This position adjustment made him feel fortunate, "You can rest assured. " may be that the problem is not easy to expose after leaving an important position. Maybe it is a long -term fluke psychological drive.He Faili's hands are longer and longer, and still use the relationship and influence accumulated during the environmental protection department to work, and do things for others by saying hello to other public officials and illegally accept property.

The legal representative of a real estate company in Shaanxi is the "friend" who has been in He Fa for more than 20 years.Over the years, in order to be able to climb the "big tree" of He Fuli, Jingmou has voted for his good in various ways. Until the three years after He Fuli stepped down as the director of the Provincial Environmental Protection Department or even after retirement, Jingmou did not forget to send a red envelope to the "old leader" during the New Year.Get greater benefits by yourself.In December 2020, Jingmou sent 200,000 yuan to He Fuli again, which was the last time He Fuli received bribes.At this point, he has officially retired for three years.

In fact, before this bribery, He Fairi had faintly uneasy. In September 2020, businessman Gao Moumou was investigated for investigation.He Fuli and Gao Moumou are no stranger to Gao Moumou. He has received money sent by Gao Mo many times. He not only did not actively explain to the organization and the problem of improper economic exchanges between himself and Gao Moumou.The password box equipped with a large amount of cash is given to other businessmen to keep it on behalf of.

Even so, When facing the 200,000 yuan sent by Jingmou, He Fuli was still incorrect.He even fantasized, "Retirement is to land safely. You can take out the" inventory "collected at the job to set up a property to maintain the value -added‘ snowball ’.”

Do not converge and do not stop. After the retirement point, the hurdle of falling. After retiring in 2017, he used disciplinary illegal funds to purchase 13 sets of real estate in multiple places. By registering property rights under the name of relatives and friends, he covered his actual facts.

No matter how good Ruyi is playing, in the face of the party discipline and state law, it can only be a dream of yellow beams in the end.After investigation, He Fa Lai illegally requested and received a total of more than 40 million yuan.Among them, the Director of the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection was removed until eight years of retirement, and it still received a total of more than 8.8 million yuan in property sent by others.

It is inevitable that you can't treat the power in your hands correctly."After having the right, forget it. Putting the advice of the organization derived, regard the party discipline and state law as a decoration, and make your life into a bubble." From the age of 38The identity was "ending", and He Fa Li was rotted step by step, and finally walked into the high -wall iron window.

He Fa's repentance (excerpts)

Why did I go to this point today?A senior party member with 47 years of party age, and a senior cadre who has been educated by the party for many years and is reused by the organization, can't stand the erosion of sugar and clothing shells?Why can't you pass the level of integrity?Thinking about it, the concept of party spirit is weak.Although the party has been entered into the party, it has not been fully joined the party in thought and action.

Discard of the beginning.With the changes of the job and the shining of the grade halo, my outlook on power has gradually distorted, and even in the reform and opening up and the test of the market economy, I lost the principle of party spirit and lost my ideals and integrity.I often think that these businessmen will turn around you today. Once you lose power tomorrow, will they still?Never. So I did not refuse to the bosses' gift red envelopes, and wanted to leave some "home" to the children and grandchildren.

The bottom line collapses.For a period of time, the society has regarded eating, drinking, drinking, and having a lot of bosses.Because I lost the principle of party spirit, mixed myself into the illegal merchants, and welcomed the merger to accept the social trend of money supremacy, and turned the normal relationship between people into a interest relationship.I have changed from a party who has cultivated a party for many years to the "tools" used by corporate bosses. The main reason is that they do not pay attention to learning, do not pay attention to party spirit, and relax the transformation of the world view.From non -discipline to non -lawfulness, to embarking on the road of illegal crimes, the lesson is very profound.

Follow the current.Party cadres are the backbone of the party's cause and the public servants of the people. They must be cleaned.But I forgot that "Except for personal interests and work powers within the scope of legal and policy regulations, all Communist Party membersThe requirements of seeking any private interests and privileges. "During the 10 years when I served as the director of the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau and the director of the Provincial Environmental Protection Department, the leaders of some city and county environmental protection bureaus and subordinate enterprises and institutions of the Mid -Autumn Festival are watching the festival.The name of the New Year, giving me a gift, and some business owners followed closely.In terms of scope, I am brave and take care of them.I can lift the bottom line on this issue.

There are different tables.When I joined the party, I promised to be loyal and honest with the party.However, it was not fulfilled in actual life.In order not to expose my cash and payment of water, I handed over the cash that I didn't need to keep it, and I used my money to hold my own bank cards on my own.This kind of unrealistic and dishonest behavior is a manifestation of impure party spirit. I am not loyal to the party, and I regret it.

corruption and fall. My parents have little literacy, hard work, honesty, kindness, not luxurious, not greedy, "facing the loess back to the sky", working hard on the farmland.Over.But they are very satisfied with their lives. They have never made extravagance to me. They often tell me that "the things of others cannot be asked", but I did not inherit their excellent character, lost the simplicity of the quality, and occupied the worship of goldism.Gel.

A long time hate.I hope that the organization will take my serious violations of discipline and violations as the negative textbook, publicly to show future generations.

Source: website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection