According to the Russian satellite agency reported on February 20, Russian President Putin said that Russia has always resolutely opposed the deployment of nuclear weapons in space and called on all parties to abide by all existing agreements.

According to reports from the US Broadcasting Corporation, the national security threats mentioned by the US Congress have recently mentioned that Russia wants to deploy nuclear weapons in space.Russian Defense Director Sho Gu held a talks with Russian President Putin on February 20 that Russia did not deploy nuclear weapons in space and did not have such plans.

Putin said: "Our country's position is clear and transparent. We have always resolutely opposed it and now also oppose the deployment of nuclear weapons in space. On the contrary, we call on all parties not only to comply with all existing agreements in the field, but also vigorously strengthen this joint work."

In addition, Putin also said: "On the one hand, the United States and the entire West call on the one hand to defeat Russia strategically, and on the other hand, it seems that they intend to discuss with us strategic stability issues. They think these two problems have nothing to do.Not through. "

Putin said: "As for negotiations, we never oppose negotiations. We always agree with negotiations, which is also applicable to Ukraine. I have said it a hundred times. We have not interrupted the dialogue.The direct command of London and Washington is suspended. "

Russian President also said that Russia has never refused to talk about strategic stability.