On Thursday, the decision to fail to file a criminal lawsuit should be a clear legal exemption for President Biden's improper processing of confidential documents.

But it has become a political nightmare.

Investigations for the improper processing confidential documents after Bayon became vice president, called it "old man with goodwill and poor memory", and described the scene of his inquiry. Biden could not remember where he was in it.When he served as the vice president, his son's death, or which party he agreed in policy debate.

According to a special report from the special prosecutor Robert Xu, the FBI's 5 -hour inquiry in two days, the current president of the 80s at the time was so vague that it was difficult to convince the jurors to believe that Biden knew that he was improper at the time.Process files.Robert Xu predicts in the report that if the president is accused, his lawyer "will emphasize his restrictions on recalling events."

In response to the intention to retain national security secrets, including some of the presidents shared documents with "sensitive information sources and acquisition methods", Robert Xu refused to propose to propose to control the president. In part, the reason is Bayendon Biden DendengMemory.

"To persuade the jurors and let them determine that a former president who was in his 80s had committed a series of felony. These felonic sins need a spiritual state of a willingness to be established," Robert Xu wroteEssence

In Biden's statement, he seemed to imply the reason why he was inaccurate.

"I was determined to give the special prosecutors what they needed, so on October 8th and 9th last year, although Israel was just attacked on October 7th, I was busy dealing with a international crisis.I still received five hours of inquiries in these two days, "he wrote."I think this is what I should do for the American people."

For Robert Xu's description of President Bayeon's memory, President's lawyer Bob Ball and Richard Sophie expressed different opinions in a letter on February 5.

"The president would be asked what happened many years ago, forcing him to give him the" best 'memories, and then blame his limited memory, which is not fair, "the lawyers wrote."The details of the president's failure to recall the details of the date or many years ago are neither surprising nor unusual."

In the past three years, concerns about Biden's age have always been the theme of his presidential term.In Biden seeking to stay in the White House until 86 years old, some voters have expressed concerns about his spiritual and physical health, which is promoted by the president's videos of weakness or staggering in public in public.

At the fund raising activity on Wednesday, Biden recalled two conversations with Hermut Cole, who had served as a German Prime Minister in 2021, and the latter died in 2017.Biden's spokesman then said that he was a mistake, just like many public officials.

Bynden tried to laugh at this issue, insisting that wisdom grew with age.His consultant also insisted that whether the president's sometimes public image looks, but he is still very keen and tireless in private discussions with the consultant or meeting with foreign leaders.

But the report released on Thursday challenged the above statement. This is not a few words published by Biden on social media, but in the control environment for several hours of interaction with the president.In addition, the description of its memory is more vivid than what they usually see in legal documents (just like this announced on Thursday).

Including former President Trump (he has also had a series of spontaneous dishonest behaviors), Biden's political opponents will definitely seize the detailed conclusion in this report, and use it as Biden's body to be too weak.It is impossible to lead the evidence of this country for five years.

Robert Xu wrote in the report that in a dialogue recording between Biden and his memoirs in 2017, Biden was struggling when Biden's "Memories Incident" was struggling.Notes.Robert Xu said that Biden's interview with investigators in 2023 was worse.

"He didn't remember when he was the vice president, and when he forgot when the term of office was over on the first day of the interview ('If it was 2013 -when did I not be the Vice President? '), The next day after the interview, I forgot when my term started (' '2009, is I still Vice President?') The report wrote.When did his son Bo Biden died."

Robert Xu was nominated by Trump as a prosecutor in Maryland, but was later elected by the Minister of Justice Merrick Galan to investigate the case of Biden's processing confidential documents.

Bayndon's lawyer has been arguing for more than a year that confidential documents are just unexpectedly negligent in the office of Biden's office and Tellawa's home.His accused of 37 criminal acts like a felony.

On Thursday, the special prosecutor got the same conclusion after reviewing a total of 7 million documents. Both the White House and the presidential election headquarters were celebrating this result., Stop Trump to return to the White House.

But the report refutes the long -term argument of the presidential lawyer, that is, Biden has never endangered national security.A investigator in a "box in the garage, a collapsed dog box in the garage, a dog bed, a Zappos box, an empty barrel, a broken lamp with tape, potted soil and synthetic firewood" are all around. "Found files.

Although Robert Xu Xu obtained the conclusion and believes that "evidence cannot undoubtedly prove that Biden is guilty", he still wrote that Bayeng took away secret documents about Afghanistan after he stepped down as Vice President's position in 2016And notebooks and show some of the documents in him.

Robert Xu's tough wording may create a new round of political attacks for Trump's allies to launch a new round of political attacks on Biden, because Biden's actions are exactly the same as Trump's accusations.Biden and his consultants' long -term efforts may also become complicated because of this, and they strongly point out that there are differences between the behavior of the two presidents.

But the most serious political damage may still be related to the age of Biden. Many senior Democrats already believe that this is the biggest weakness of the president.Some people say privately that they are worried about what will cause voters to notice age, including the possibility of falling or mental state.

Republicans immediately began to use this report to attack Biden, sometimes even further than prosecutors' actual conclusions.

Florida Republican Senate Marco Rubio mistakenly claimed on social media that "Special Prosecutor decided not to say allegations to Biden because they thought he had dementia."

To some extent, the report on Thursday is the worst result: the official description of the situation behind Bayeng shows that with aging, he will indeed stumble.

Michael D. Shear is a reporter in the New York Times in the White House, reporting to President Biden and his government.He has been engaged in political reports for more than 30 years.Click to view more information about him.

Translation: Annie XU, Ziyu Qing