In the case of decreased domestic and foreign investment, China is seeking softening its image in the United States and Europe and improving the relationship with some neighboring countries.In this transition, a Communist Party official played an unusual role.

In New York, he told the stage scholars and businessmen that China does not seek to rewrite the global order led by the United States.In Paris, he said that China's modernization is beneficial to Europe and the world.In Beijing, he told the Ambassador to China in the region of India that China hopes that the relationship between the two countries will "return to healthy and stable development orbit."

This official is Liu Jianchao, the leader of the CCP's foreign liaison department, which mainly publicize the party's ideology and enhance its influence overseas.However, analysts believe that his recent activities show that he is competing for the position of the next foreign minister in China.

For Beijing, after the experience of major personnel in China's foreign agencies experienced major personnel last year, a new foreign minister may help stabilize the situation.The appointment may be issued during a legislative meeting in March.

In July last year, the then foreign minister Qin Gang was dismissed. The outside world speculated that he had a romantic relationship that might endanger national security.Qin Gang's former Wang Yi was ordered to serve the position again.He is also the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee at the same time. This position is usually as different from the Foreign Minister.

Appointing Liu Jianchao may mean that no longer follows the harsh "wolf" diplomacy, that is, the foreign policy symbol of China's tough gesture under the leadership -at least in terms of tone, if it is not practical action.

Liu Jianchao, who had been studying in Oxford University for a while, spoke fluent English, and was good at defending Beijing's most insisting position without using sharp languages, such as sovereignty claims on autonomous islands.Liu Jianchao's loyalty to the party was recognized. He had led controversial "fox hunting operations", hunting corrupt merchants and officials who escaped from overseas, and therefore became famous.

Many people who have seen Liu Jianchao said that compared with other Chinese officials, he was not so restrained, more attractive, and seemed to be willing to play freely.

"Liu Jianchao is an experienced diplomat. He has a relaxed self -confidence in the conversation.Said Danny Russell, a former US Assistant Secretary of State.He had a dialogue with Liu Jianchao in a meeting held by the Asian Association in New York.

In another event in New York, Liu Jianchao faded the severity of China's economic slowdown, defended the relationship between Beijing and Moscow, and established his country as a peaceful country to change the current international order and the current international order andThere is no interest in building a new international order.

"We are one of the creators of the current world order and benefit from it," he said in this speech.

Sun Yun, the person in charge of China project at the Stin Sheng Center in Washington, said that this remark did not fully describe China's position.China only supports some aspects of the world order, such as the country's permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, but China opposes other aspects of challenges in it, such as NATO led by the United States.

Dan Yun said that a senior Chinese official chose to emphasize the intention of Beijing in the global order because it "aims to slow down" the "rhythm and cool down to the Washington".important.

Liu Jianchao was promoted all the way in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He first served as a translator and a spokesman. He made a break with foreign media during the 2008 Beijing Olympics.After that, he successively served as the Ambassador to the Philippines and Indonesia.

In 2015, Liu Jianchao served as the deputy director of the State Corruption Bureau of the internal anti -corruption institutions that had a secret and internal anti -corruption agency, and assumed the work of arresting overseas fugitives.

In this position, Liu Jianchao showed negotiating skills, recovering a large amount of funds that was transferred abroad, and let Lai Changxing's well -known fugitive arrest.Chinese businessman and billionaire Lai Changxing fled to Canada in order to avoid the crime of controlling its leadership smuggling group.Lai Changxing was convicted and was currently in prison.

In 2017, Liu Jianchao once again strengthened his prestige within the party and was appointed secretary of the Zhejiang Discipline Inspection Commission.He was appointed Deputy Director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee. This high -level department was established in 2018

In 2022, when Liu Jianchao took office of the current Minister of Foreign Liaison Department of the current position, this change was once again highlighted.In the past, the department was mainly responsible for maintaining close contact with other countries (such as North Korea and Vietnam), leaving diplomacy between nations to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Liu Jianchao broke this routine and met with foreign ministers around the world -this allows the CCP to reach some of the rarely disclosure behind -the -scenes diplomatic channels.When in the United States in January, Liu Jianchao met with Secretary of State Anthony J. Brillin, and the person in charge of the Central United Ministry was rare to meet with US Secretary of State.

In November last year, after holding a summit with Biden in the suburbs of San Francisco, China's relations with the United States stabilized.However, the relationship between the two countries may be tense around a series of disputes that have not been resolved. Relevant disputes include Taiwan's status and technical export restrictions on China.

In the UK, Liu Jianchao sent a signal on China's determination to protect its own interests.At a seminar in the UK last summer, Liu Jianchao was asked about the issue of "Wolf Warrior" diplomacy.He made an answer with a consistent kind, explaining that China wanted to make friends around the world.But he also warned, "When China is under pressure, when China's policy is under pressure, we will indeed show a spirit of struggle."

Translation: New York News