The former chairman of the Bank of China Liu Lianzhang was suspected of accepting bribery and illegal lending, and was prosecuted.

According to (February 19) reported, Liu Lianzhang, former party secretary and chairman of Bank of China Co., Ltd., was suspected of bribery and issued loan cases in violation of the law.

After being designated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the People's Procuratorate of Jinan City, Shandong Province is reviewed and prosecuted.The Jinan People's Procuratorate has recently prosecuted public prosecution to the Jinan Intermediate People's Court.

According to the accusation of Shandong Procuratorate, Liu Lianzhang used the party committee member, deputy president, deputy chairman, and president of the party committee, deputy chairman, and president of the party committee of China.The convenience and conditions of the president, the president, the secretary of the party committee, the chairman, etc., and the convenience conditions formed by the authority and status formed by the relevant units and individuals will help relevant units and individuals in terms of loan financing, project cooperation, and personnel arrangement.huge.

The allegations also stated that Liu Lianzhang violated the issuance of loans in violation of the state regulations, and the amount was particularly huge, and caused particularly major losses. In accordance with the law, he should be held criminally responsible for the crime of accepting bribes and illegal loans.

62 -year -old Liu Lianzhang has stepped down as the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Bank of China last February, which was regarded as a prelude to departure.On the evening of March 19 of the same year, the Bank of China announced that Liu Lianzhang resigned as the chairman of the bank.Because his age was not reaching the practice of retirement at the age of 63 at the age of 63, he attracted attention.

, he was officially announced by the Communist Party of China in October of the same year.