Beijing mdash; mdash; Thank you, well, don't read, a post wrote on a Chinese social networking site.This short message is from June this year. It looks from the 23 -year -old Linggu, and his father is the assistant of the Chinese President of China, and the power is in control.Previously, there were rumors that Ling Gu died of a Ferrari accident after the carnival of the night, and this post played a role of calming rumors.

Later news showed that this message was not true. It was MDash; MDash, which was released by others with the pseudonym of the valley; after nearly three months of death of the valley.

This fake behavior is one of the many complicated means of suppressing the news of the Ferrari accident.The accident caused Gu Gu to die, and severely injured the two young female passengers in the car, one of them and then died.The general outline of the incident has surfaced a few months ago, but now it is more clear that the car accident and poor covering behavior have caused more significant consequences, and changed the process of the decade of the ten -year leadership of the Communist Party of China last month.

When this year, Hu Jintao, the upcoming Chinese President, looks quite strong.Earlier, the star Bo Xilai, the star of Tomorrow in his political competitor network, stepped down, because his wife was accused of murdering a British businessman.However, Hu Jintao himself was also damaged in doom. The old leader in the party mdash; mdash; the former Jiang Zemin, headed by Mdash; mdash;It is said that the plan to plan the action of covering the truth of his son in one hand. He is the most close relative of Hu Jintao's relationship and Hu Jintao's political guest.

According to some current and former officials, elites in the party, and other people, the exposure of the incident has helped break the deadlock of difficult negotiations, accelerate Hu Jintao's lost power and the rise of new leaders Xi Jinping, and let Jiang Zemin get the momentum.The new leadership team composed of seven people excludes Hu Jintao's several relatives.

This incident also shows how a huge impact of the luxurious lifestyle of leaders and relatives will bring to the power struggle behind the scenes, especially when the deception of political parties is increasingly being tried by the media.

Many people in the party provide information to restore the truth of the matter.Because they were worried that they were retaliated by the authorities, they all asked for remarks under anonymous conditions.They said that the official investigation of the follow -up situation of the car accident, including rumors about a state -owned oil company paid a seal fee to the family of two women involved.

Under the leadership of Hu Jintao, the plan was planned to be the director of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, but in September this year, he was transferred to a small job with less real power.Last month, he failed to advance to the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which was composed of 25 people, and lost the position of the work committee of the work committee of the directly -affiliated authority of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Hu Jintao, who has stepped down as the party secretary of the party, also immediately gave up the post of chairman of the Central Military Commission, which means that he will not retain power like Jiang Zemin.Before leaving, Hu Jintao's power had been weakened, and a middle -level official of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China said.The department is responsible for the people's affairs of the Communist Party of China.

The future of the plan is still uncertain. A person insiders in the party said that his case was an early test of Xi Jinping, that is, whether Xi Jinping intends to insist on the public commitment to crack down on high -level corruption.

Xi Jinping has the right to decide whether to continue to pursue the plan. He wrote a speech draft for senior leaders within the party and now coached Wu Guoguang, a political scholar of the University of Victoria, a UNIVERSITY of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.In any case, this is a big name in Xi Jinping's hand.

The 56 -year -old order plan is gradually promoted within the Communist Youth League system.In his early years, he received Hu Jintao's asylum, which led the Communist Youth League in the early 1980s and arranged the plan to arrange the plan to the Central Office in 1995.Hu Jintao didn't have too many allies when he came to power, but he knew that he could trust the plan, and officials of the Organization Department said.Officials said that the plan to make the plan was equivalent to Hu Jintao's call.

The plan plans to play a key role in arranging senior members of the Communist Youth League to serve as important positions and defeating Hu Jintao's opponents.The plan also has the right to involve the Internet review of leaders' affairs, and try to protect its asylum by manipulating the Internet.

Regarding Xi Jinping's negative news, including some false information, the suppression is not as severe as the negative news about Hu Jintao. A person close to the senior executives of the Communist Party said.

As the influence continues to increase, the plan is trying to keep a low -key.About ten years ago, his wife closed the software company under his name and formed a non -profit foundation that helped young entrepreneurs develop.He and his wife sent his son Ling Gu to a elite high school in Beijing.The plan had told his family not to destroy his career, and to make a former colleague of Communist Youth League in the plan said.However, such things cannot be stopped.

Ling Gu's famous prince Yun Yun entered Peking University, graduated last year, obtained a bachelor's degree in international relations, and then began graduate studies. He was professional for education.One of his teachers said that in the later period of undergraduate studies, Gu Gu's performance plummeted.He said, I think the reason is too much temptation and too much temptation.

In the early morning of March 18th, a black Ferrari Spider sports car that was speeding on the Fourth Ring Road in Beijing hit the wall, bounced into the railing after rebound, and the body was cracked in half.Ling Gu died on the spot. Two young Tibetan women in the car were seriously injured and were sent to the hospital for treatment.A person familiar with the party said that one of them died in a few months and the other was still nourishing.

People familiar with the party said that in general, the usual approach is to suppress such news and maintain the party's image.But they said that the plan went further and even planned to conceal the death of his son from the leadership.

The Beijing Evening News published a report and a photo, but this topic was immediately deleted from the Internet.According to an executive of a large foreign multinational company, the family of the two women in the car received compensation given by China's largest state -owned oil company.He said that the money was to ensure that they were sealed.What he said is China Petroleum and Gas Group Corporation, and a public relations director of the company refuses to answer questions about the matter.

In June, overseas Chinese media reported that driving this Ferrari was the son of the plan, and the Hong Kong Magazine Asia Weekly published an article quoting the information of the aforementioned social website to refute these reports.A informed reporter said that the source of this article was the order plan of the Central Office.

However, the attempt to cover the facts beyond the control of the plan.

People familiar with the party said that the police recorded the surname of the victim as Jia, and the same sound as fake characters. When they planned to cover up the truth, the police sometimes used such a labeling.The move caused rumors. It is rumored that the dead driver was related to the recent retired Communist leader Jia Qinglin, who was very angry and complained to the former chairman Jiang Zemin.

The aforementioned person in the party said that the plan also used the Central Guard of the Central Guard of Leaders to help cover up the truth.The incident was angered the former director of the Guard of Jiang Zemin's allies, and also angrily angered Cao Qing, the current director, and the latter had long been dissatisfied with the plan.

They said that the plan was always looking for Cao Qing and asked him to do this and that, a woman from an official family said.The plan is very excessive and rude.

In July of this year, the leadership began to discuss the method of handling Bo Xilai and the arrangement of the leadership.Just as they discussed various arrangements, the old comrades raised this question, and an official from a central government media agency said.They said that leaders must abide by the party's discipline, so this person is not qualified to enter the Politburo.

Several people said that inIn a communication with Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin also questioned whether the plan was human, because some people said that the plan kept a busy working day and did not properly mourn his son's death.

Hu Jintao was forced to sacrifice his allies because the Communist Party was investigating Bo Xilai's disciplinary issue at the time.Hu Jintao did not want to be held the handle, a relative of a former leader said.

In an important personnel shuffle, Xi Jinping's old colleague was transferred to Beijing in July as the designated candidate for replacing the plan. At that time, it was six weeks to be disclosed by the leadership.

A person familiar with the party said that by September, the negotiations of the plan and the negotiations of the leadership team made Hu Jintao struggling, so that he seemed to reluctantly accept the fact that he lost power and influence.At the same time, Xi Jinping began to take over military affairs, including a group that adjusted China to respond to China and Japan that is increasingly upgraded between China and Japan.

Jonathan Ansfield is the New York Times reporter in Beijing.

Ian Johnson and Edward Wong have contributed to this article.

Translation: Xu Xin, Tao Mengyu