As the real estate market in China is in a downturn, the official proposal of cadres and employees in Chikan District, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province will take the lead in consumption, take the initiative to respond to the call, seize the opportunity of favorable time, actively buy a house according to their own needs, and mobilize relatives and friends to live in the local area to live in the local area.Real Estate.

The WeChat public account "Chikan Essay" of the Propaganda Department of the Chikan District Committee of the Zhanjiang City Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a proposal to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market in Chikan District, mentioning the above contentThe initiative is the groups, enterprises and institutions, and citizens of all agencies in the region.

The proposal says that at present, governments at all levels have successively introduced the policy of stabilizing the property market.EssenceIt is hoped that the majority of cadres and employees will take the lead in consumption and demonstration to promote the recovery of the real estate market, continuously boost market confidence, and help the stable and healthy development of the real estate industry in the region.

The initiative proposes that from February 21st to 23rd, the Chikan New Year real estate home improvement and exhibition will be held locally.During the housing exhibition, it will concentrate on providing preferential housing to the majority of home buyers, and launch greater efforts to benefit the people and benefit policies.It is hoped that all agencies, groups, and enterprises and institutions will fully mobilize cadres and employees to actively respond to the call, seize favorable opportunities, and actively participate in the house purchase activities according to their own demand for house purchase.

In the initiative, it is also proposed to actively publicize Chikan to relatives and friends around him, launch relatives and friends to live in Chikan, and share the development results of Chikan.

Real estate stimulus has been introduced intensively throughout China, but the real estate market has not seen significant improvement.According to data released by China Real Estate Research Institution, Miner's weekly, the volume of 44 cities that focusing on the Spring Festival this year fell 40 % year -on -year, of which more than 80 % of Beijing and Shanghai fell more than 80 %, reflecting insufficient confidence in residents' house purchase.

China's official Tuesday (20th) announced that the quotation interest rate (LPR) of more than five years or above was reduced by 25 basis points, which was the first time in eight months, and it also reached the maximum decline since the reform of the LPR mechanism.