According to the news on February 19th, the former party secretary and chairman of the Bank of China Co., Ltd. Liu Lianzhang was suspected of accepting bribes and issuing loans illegally.The People's Procuratorate of Jinan City was reviewed and prosecuted. Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Jinan City has filed a public prosecution to the Jinan Intermediate People's Court.

Liu Lianzhang

At the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorial organs told the defendant's right to enjoy the right to enjoy the defendant Liu Lianzhang, and questioned the defendant Liu Lianzhang to hear the opinion of the defender.Prosecutor's prosecution accusation: Liu Lianzhang used as a member of the party committee, deputy president, deputy chairman, and president of the party committee, deputy chairman, and president of the party committee, deputy secretary, deputy chairman, and president of the Bank of China Co., Ltd.The convenience conditions of the secretary, chairman, chairman and other positions, and the convenience conditions formed by authority and status are helping relevant units and individuals in terms of loan financing, project cooperation, personnel arrangements and other aspects.The amount of loans is particularly huge and caused particularly major losses. According to law, it shall be held criminally responsible for bribery and illegal issuance of loans.

On March 31, 2023, Liu Lianzhang was investigated; the news on October 7, 2023, Liu Lianzheng was expelled from the party.

After investigation, Liu Lianzhang lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, implemented the party's central government's decision -making and deployment of decision -making and deployment, abandoned the duties of financial risks to prevent and control, violated the regulations, and issued loans illegally, causing major financial risks, fulfilling comprehensive full financial risks, fulfilling comprehensive comprehensive financial risks, fulfilling comprehensive performanceStrictly govern the party's main responsibility, severely damage the political ecology of the unit where the unit is located, carry the inbringed books and periodicals in private, and consciously consciously fight against organizational review; ignore the spirit of the eight central regulations, accept gifts and gifts in violation of regulations, enter and exit private clubs, accept skiing and tourism arrangements for a long time. Long -term borrowingManagement object vehicles; Do not report personal matters in accordance with regulations, it is not as explained to the problem during the organization letter, and the private recruitment adjustment and promotion of cadres; illegal business -oriented enterprises; illegal intervention of funds borrowing, privately retain confidential information;The family style is not correct, and the relatives are dislocated to teach; there is no discipline and law, and the power is good at power. "Eat finance by finance", use job convenience to make benefits for others in loan financing and project cooperation, and illegally receive huge amounts of property.

Liu Lianzhang seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, work discipline and life discipline, constituted serious duties illegal and suspected of accepting bribes, and issuing loan crimes illegal.Do not stop , serious nature and bad impact, and should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Disciplinary Regulations, the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was studied and submitted to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for approval by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.; Terminate the qualifications of the 20th National Congress of the Party; collect their disciplinary income from discipline and law; transfer their suspected criminal issues to the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute in accordance with the law, and transfer the property involved.

Liu Lianzhang was born in May 1961. He was the president of the Bank of China, deputy secretary of the party committee, and vice chairman. In 2019, he served as secretary of the party committee and chairman. He stepped down in February 2023 and was investigated.