People posted a video that he promised to continue to the world on social media.They shared a picture of the floods who stood in the mud that were standing without ankle.They even mentioned his economic growth goals in the first year of the Prime Minister: 7.5%.

On Friday, 68 -year -old Li Keqiang died, causing spontaneous condolences by netizens.Li Keqiang has been the prime minister for ten years and is the second leader of China until March this year.

Among many Chinese, Li Keqiang's death aroused the nostalgia of the era he represented: it was an era with better economic prospects and more enlightened private enterprises.Such a reaction seemed extremely dazzling, showing China's dissatisfaction with Xi Jinping's leadership in China.Last year, after the hard -deny leader managed to abolish the two -time term restrictions for a long time, he had unprecedentedly obtained the third term.

In the speeches of social media, people praised more about Li Keqiang's claims and remarks, rather than the political achievements he made under Xi Jinping.During Li Keqiang as Prime Minister, the person who promoted economic policy was Xi Jinping.

Li Keqiang may be the youngest prime minister in the history of the People's Republic of China.The sorrow caused by his death reflects the public's deep weakness of the public's loss of the discarded reform and growth era, as well as China, who has lived in China, who has lived in Mao Zedong's most authoritarian leader Xi Jinping.

A widely circulated article on a number of social media websites stated that many Chinese people saw their mdash; MDASH; for ten years, it was defeated.

The most shared content is the short video that Li Keqiang promised to continue to open to the outside world: the Yellow River Yangtze River will not flow back.After China's censorship machine started, some videos were then deleted or unable to forward.

On the social media platform Weibo, many posts that shocked his sudden death of him were reviewed.The comments of the good prime minister and great man who call him the people cannot be spared.The comments that have been allowed are basically rest.

For many Chinese, Li Keqiang's death allowed them to release the frustration, anger, and anxiety that had been suppressed for a long time. Such emotions originated from their believe that Xi Jinping had improper economic treatment.Xi Jinping's cracking down on the private sector has destroyed the development of some of the most successful companies in China.He alienated some of China's largest trading partners, and went closer to Russia and other countries. At the same time, people who were loyal to him replaced the leaders with awareness of reform.Xi Jinping has shifted more focus on the government to ideology instead of economy.

For these Chinese, Li Keqiang, who has a degree in law and economics, represented the pragmatic technical bureaucrats that led the country out of poverty in the 1990s and early this century.After repeating Li Keqiang's opening at the first press conference after Li Keqiang was served as Prime Minister in 2013.

We will be loyal to the Constitution, loyalty to the people, and use the people's hopes as the policy office. Li Keqiang said.

In the news of his death, people said that they could not believe that the economic growth goal of the country at that time was 7.5%.In 2022, China failed to achieve the target of 5.5%of its economic growth; this year's goal is not so high, but many experts also believe that it is unlikely to achieve it.

People also listed Li Keqiang's most famous speech: it is difficult to have the power and touch the benefits than touching the soul.

Li Keqiang has always vigorously advocated entrepreneurship and innovation. Many business owners and investors have showed a group photo left by Li Keqiang when visiting their business.They miss the government's scenes that encourage new products and new business models, saying that it is the golden age of entrepreneurship.He suddenly left us, and a Ding Internet businessman wrote.The golden ten years took away.

They posted photos of his visit to the city when the new crown virus raged in Wuhan in January 2020.It was not until the first two months later that the epidemic had been curbed, and Xi Jinping was late.They posted photos of Li Keqiang's visual flood and earthquake victims.Xi Jinping is well known to the style of the disaster.

They also reposted a series of photos that Li Keqiang talked with other government leaders, which was in sharp contrast to the body language of the limb language when Xi Jinping appeared with his subordinates.

Someone thanked Li Keqiang for his frankness. He pointed out at a press conference in 2020 that although China is the second largest economy in the world, the monthly income of 600 million people has less than 1,000 yuan.This statement is considered to be piercing a declaration of Xi Jinping's comprehensive poverty alleviation.

There are no perfect people, no perfect politician, a former reporter named Yan Xiaoyun (sound).But people should not forget his courage to break the truth.

The public's response on Friday was the most intense emotional vent since the white paper movement of last November. At that time, many Chinese people in many cities took the streets to protest the government's severe zero policy.People joined the Internet to protest.

The death of senior leaders has always been a sensitive incident in Chinese politics.Some reporters and commentators speculated whether Li Keqiang's death would lead to protests like a former Chinese Communist Communist Party leader Hu Yaobang who had lost power in 1989 as a heart attack.Most people think that it should not be, because Xi Jinping's control over the Internet is very strict.It is speculated that Li Keqiang's funeral should not be as high -profile as Hu Yaobang.

On the contrary, the Chinese official media initially faded up Li Keqiang's death.The major news websites put less than a hundred characters in the position of the third or fourth largest news, and ranked after Xi Jinping met with the Governor of California Gaive Middot; Nedsen, or Xi Jinping launched a new book to guide civil affairs.

Such a low -key processing caused heated discussion among netizens, because it reflects Xi Jinping's consistent humiliation and contempt of Li Keqiang in their eyes, even after his death.

Live depressed and died, a Chinese reporter told me.Aren't we all like this?

Yuan Li wrote a new world column for the New York Times, focusing on the topic of China and Asian technology, business and political cross -issues.Click to view more information about her.

Translation: New York Times Chinese website