On the evening of February 1st, in response to the exposure of the indecent chat records of Changsha Beauty, officials from Changsha City, Hunan Province responded to the upstream news (reporting mailbox: [email protected]) reporters that public official Li Moumou has been removed from office.At 18:32 on the 1st, Yuhua released an official Weibo and released a formal notice.

On February 1, a screenshot of many men and women WeChat chat was spread online.The upstream news reporter found that the screenshot time span was from December 3rd to November 3, 2022, and the chat time was morning, afternoon, and late at night.The two were explicit and the women were also taken to men.The woman said that she had no divorce and saw that the man could not let her husband know.The woman also said: I got up in the afternoon and slipped out to make hair.

Multiple channels of upstream journalists confirmed that the above -mentioned women were 45 -year -old Li Moumou, and the chat history was true.According to public resumes, in February 2021, Li Moumou served as the director of the Commerce Bureau of Yuhua District; in April 2023, he was transferred to the Federation of Trade Unions of Yuhua District; on January 11, 2024, Li Moumou was the party secretary of the party group of the Yuhua District Federation.The executive vice chairman attended the meeting.

Li's position before the resignation is Li Hua District Federation of Trade UnionsParty secretary.Picture source: Changsha Trade Union

According to the source, Li Moumou's transfer from the Commerce Bureau to the Federation of Trade Unions is related to the issue of the work style of life.Is this true?The upstream journalist asked the official verification from Yuhua District and did not respond.

On February 1, upstream journalists called Li Moumou many times, showing that they were talking.The staff of Yuhua District Federation of Trade Unions said: She asked for leave and was resting.

But Li Moumou was not resting, but was investigated.On the evening of the 1st, officials from Changsha City, Hunan Province responded to the reporter from upstream that Li Moumou had been removed.At 18:32, Yuhua released an official Weibo and issued relevant notifications: According to the relevant issues of Li Moumou, a public official of Yuhua District, the Changsha City Yuhua District Committee attached great importance to it and has been exempt from it.The case is currently under review.

In the upstream news reporter's chat record, Li Moumou said that he asked Secretary Changsha South to help contact and let the man go to the high -speed rail without purchasing tickets.Li Moumou also said that on the evening of March 9, 2022, he was arrested on the high -speed rail and accompanied the director to drink.

Li's chat history.Interviewee confessed

Is the above two behaviors true?Is it illegal if it is true?Do you need to investigate with the railway department and the relevant disciplinary inspection department?On February 1, upstream journalists repeatedly called the main leadership of Yuhua District, and no one answered.

Upstream journalist Shen Du