Edit | Yu Hui

According to the Supreme Procuratorate, on January 29, Yin Meigen, the former deputy secretary and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress, was suspected of bribery.

Recently, the Sanming Municipal People's Procuratorate has filed a public prosecution to the Sanming Intermediate People's Court.

Yin Meigen has long worked in Jiangxi for a long time, served as the mayor of Jiujiang City and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. In November 2015, he served as the deputy governor of Jiangxi Province.Member of the Standing Committee of the Commission and Executive Deputy Governor.

After the re -election of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee in November 2021, Yin Meigen, who was no longer served as the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, continued to serve as Deputy Governor of Jiangxi Province. Until January 2023 was elected as the Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress.

On March 29, 2023, Yin Meigen was checked.In October 2023, he was doubled.

The report from the Discipline Inspection Commission pointed out:

After investigation, Yin Meigen lost his ideals and convictions, deviated from the principles of party spirit, and had no consciousness of discipline.

Ignore the spirit of the eight central regulations, accept gifts and gifts in violation of regulations, and enter and exit private clubs;

Do not report personal matters in accordance with the regulations, it is not as explained when organizing talks and inquiries;

Borrow management and service object money, housing, moral corruption, engaging in power, money transactions;

Illegal intervention intervene in market economy activities and disciplinary law enforcement activities;

Disordinate to spouse and children;

Formed a community of interests with illegal merchants, he and his relatives engaged in power and money transactions, and used their positions to facilitate their job promotion and engineering contracting, and illegally received huge amounts of property.

The procuratorial organ sued accusations:

The defendant Yin Meigen used the deputy director of the Jiangxi Provincial Economic and Trade Commission, member of the Standing Committee of the Jiujiang Municipal Party Committee of Jiangxi Province, Mayor of Jiujiang City, Secretary of the Jiujiang Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Governor of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee,Deputy Governor and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Ganjiang New District, deputy secretary and deputy director of the Party Committee of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress , etc., seek benefits for others, or use the convenience conditions formed by power and status.The behavior of the national staff's position is to obtain unfair interests for others and illegally accept the property of others. The amount is particularly huge. It should be held criminally responsible for bribery.

According to the above allegations, Yin Meigen's wealth began at the deputy director of the Jiangxi Provincial Economic and Trade Commission.