Li Dongguo, former director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, emphasized that the chances of general citizens have a small chance of exposing state secrets, and said that Article 23 of the Hong Kong Basic Law legislative consultation article states that only knowing that related information has state secrets is illegal.If you don't know, it will not constitute illegal.

Li Dongguo, who is also a member of the Legislative Council, said on a Hong Kong commercial radio program on Thursday (February 1) that state secrets often involve major public interests and need to consider balanced consideration.

As for whether the public interest is difficult to be greater than national security, Li Dongguo said in response that at this stage, he needs to listen and collect opinions at this stage, and then obtain a proper balance.

The Security Bureau starts public consultation on the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law from January 30.The content of the news communiqué of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government shows that the consultation documents will make suggestions on the crime of stealing national secrets and spy behaviors.