According to Agence France -Presse reported on January 28, Biden and Trump attacked each other around a border reform plan on the 27th.The plan aims to prevent immigrants from entering the United States from Mexico.

This year's U.S. elections may once again start between Trump and Biden.As immigration issues have become one of the most watched issues in the election, the bill that Senate is negotiating has triggered fierce debate.

It is reported that Trump, a leading Election of the Republican election, places immigration issues at the core of his campaign and issued a serious warning to the border of vulnerabilities -but at the same time strongly opposes the agreement, even though Biden's attitude attitude"Turn right" and promise to "close" the border temporarily.

Biden said on the 27th to support the bill, insisting that it will bring the "strictest" border reform in history.

Biden said in a speech in South Carolina: "This will be awarded me as an urgent power to close the border as the president, until the border will be controlled again. If this bill becomes law today, I will immediately close the border and quickly solve the problem."

It is reported that with the influx of immigrants to stir up the domestic affairs bureau, Trump continues to condemn Bayiden on the issue of "open border".

Trump said in a campaign speech in Las Vegas on the 27th: "Border issues are important in politics."

Report also said that after Trump's extensive lobbying, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson said in an open letter on the 26th that any such bill passed by the Senate will be "stranded" and will never be passed in the House of Representatives.Essence

When Governor of Texas, Republican personality, Leg Abbot, and the federal government fell into a deadlock on border control, Trump said he would "fully support" to get the state and "deploy all the necessary military and the necessary military and"Law enforcement resources, block the last border. "

Report also said that the former president said that Vietnamese personnel "100 % may launch a major terrorist attack in the United States."His remarks he had previously published on immigration issues were often so sensational.

He said, "We will launch the largest deportation in the United States." His repeated repeated campaign commitments have caused the audience to cheer.(Compiled/Xiong Wenyuan)