The deputy mayor of Hsinchu City, Taiwan Technology, Hsinchu City, was lacking for more than four months, and finally took office.Hsinchu Mayor Gao Hong'an, the party member of the people, announced the appointment of personnel on Thursday (February 1), and announced that Qiu Chenyuan, a former legislator of the same party, appointed.

Comprehensive United Daily News and Zhongshi News reported that the Hsinchu City Government announced the appointment of the deputy mayor's personnel on Thursday, and Qiu Chenyuan, the 10th non -division legislator of the People's Party, took office.Gao Hong'an expressed his hope that Qiu Chenyuan had long -term talents in the fields of international diplomacy, economic and trade majors to inject new vitality into the international science and technology city in Hsinchu.

The Hsinchu Municipal Government issued a press release saying that Qiu Chenyuan had served as a member of the Overseas Chinese Commission's Overseas Chinese Affairs Promotion Committee, Secretary -General of the World Commerce Federation of Taiwan Business Associations, President of the Federation of Taiwan Business Association, and the United World Taiwan Chamber of Commerce JointThe CEO of the General Assembly and the President of the Youth Chairman of the Vietnamese Taiwan Merchants Association and the founder of the Creative Council provides overseas assistance and rights and interests for Taiwanese businessmen and overseas Chinese.

The Hsinchu Municipal Government said that during the period of the legislators, Qiu Chenyuan served as the general party and commission of the people for three years.Call for important positions.

In addition, Qiu Chenyuan accompanied the former director of the Legislative President You Xizheng to meet with a foreign visit group. In 2023, he also accompanied Cai Yingwen to visit the Taiwan diplomatic relations of Stowinini (Isvatini).The Hsinchu City Government emphasized that Qiu Chenyuan is skilled in international diplomatic affairs and will help Hsinchu City to develop city diplomacy globally.

Gao Hongan has been appointed as the mayor of Hsinchu for more than a year, and several waves of personnel have caused the topic. Among them, the most concerned about the outside world was that when she took the opportunity to visit Japan last SeptemberCai Liqing and Cultural Director Qian Kangming left.At that time, the outside world speculated that the two were "resigned".