Xi Guohua serves as Secretary of the Party Committee of China CITIC Group.

According to the official WeChat public account of CITIC Group "Today's CITIC", CITIC Group held a cadre meeting on Wednesday (December 6).The relevant person in charge of the Central Organization Department announced at the meeting that Li Guohua served as the party secretary of CITIC Group Co., Ltd.

In November this year, Zhu Hexin, the former party secretary and chairman of the CITIC Group and chairman, has been a member of the Party Committee of the People's Bank of China and secretary of the Party Group of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

Public information shows that 60 -year -old Xun Guohua is from Dongyang, Zhejiang.The Party Secretary of the Group and Executive Director and President of China North Car Corporation, Executive Director, Vice Chairman, and President of China CRRC Co., Ltd., Deputy Chairman, General Manager, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China CRRC Group CorporationThe chairman of the company, the secretary of the party committee, the director, general manager, and deputy secretary of the party committee of China First Automobile Group Co., Ltd.

According to the Daily Economic News report, Xi Guohua has worked in the field of railway construction in the early days. He has worked in China for 20 years and has won the Fifth Zhan Tianyou Railway Science and Technology Talent Award and enjoyed a special allowance of the State Council.It is an expert group of the national "863" plan in the field of modern transportation technology.

According to the official website, China CITIC Group Co., Ltd. (formerly China International Trust Investment Company) was founded in 1979.In 2002, China International Trust Investment Corporation conducted a system reform, renamed China CITIC Group Corporation, and became a national authorized investment institution.

In 2011, China CITIC Group Corporation was restructured as a wholly state -owned company, renamed China CITIC Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as CITIC Group), and initiated the establishment of China CITIC Co., Ltd. (CITIC).In August 2014, CITIC Group injected 100%equity of CITIC into CITIC Thailand, a listed company in Hong Kong, and realized the overall overseas listing.

In July of this year, China Chengxin International gave the main rating of CITIC Group AAA.The tracking rating report shows that CITIC Group's total assets reached 10.6 trillion yuan (RMB, the same, about S $ 2 trillion) in 2022, with total operating income of 67.7847 billion yuan and net profit of 94.612 billion yuan.