The China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine under the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection revealed that in addition to bribes, Li Simin, former deputy secretary of the party committee and principal of the Guangxi University of Science and Technology, also "said to be called the West" and the title of deputy secretary of the party committee.

According to the WeChat public account of the "Guest Court", Li Simin was sentenced to 11 years in March this year for suspected bribes of more than 15 million yuan (RMB and about S $ 2.84 million).

Last Friday (December 1) the latest issue of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine disclosed the details of Li Simin's case.

The magazine of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision said that "words must be called the West" is one of the impression of Li Simin, a colleague of Guangxi University of Science and Technology.Employees' thoughts are backward. "

The article pointed out that Li Simin's position is the deputy secretary and principal of the party committee, but he "is unwilling to mention his deputy secretary status".Remove.

Earlier, Li Simin was investigated in June 2022, and was "double -opened" in July (the Communist Party of China was expelled from the Communist Party of China and public office).

According to the Guangxi Discipline Inspection and Supervision Network, the "double opening" report pointed out that Li Simin was overweight, colluded with officials and businessmen, and collected money; interfere with the inspection work, confess to others, confront organizational review; acceptance may affect fair execution official dutiesGifts, accepting banquets, tourism and other activities that may affect fair execution of official duties, violate the management regulations of official vehicles, private use; abuse of power, decide to pay more payment without authorization, cause losses;The amount of others illegally accepts the property of others with others, and the amount is particularly huge.

The results of the review survey showed that during the period of Li Simin's president of Guangxi University of Science and Technology, he helped others on project contracting, equipment procurement and engineering payment, and received a total of more than 1,500 million yuan from the property given by others.

Public information shows that 60 -year -old Li Simin was a member of the Standing Committee and Vice President of the Party Committee of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology this year; in April 2014, he served as president of Guangxi University of Science and Technology and deputy secretary of the party committee.