The director of the Hong Kong Medical and Health Bureau Lu Chongmao emphasized that the Hong Kong government will be committed to improving the medical system of Hong Kong to cope with the next wave of epidemic.

综合香港电台和香港商业电台报道,卢宠茂星期一(12月4日)在一场疫情研讨会致辞时说,冠病疫情让香港社会付出巨大代价,带来沉重Economic burden.

He pointed out that a sound medical care system is an important line of defense against the potential public health crisis. The official released a grass -roots medical health blueprint last year to respond to the public medical crisis that may occur in the future and the challenges brought by the aging of the population.The official has also done a lot of work in promoting the grass -roots medical system, including the health center of the establishment of the area in the 18th district of Hong Kong.

Lu Chongmao emphasized that the Hong Kong government will be committed to improving the medical system and preparing for the next wave of possible epidemic.