Li Simin (Data Map Source: Laibin Court)

On December 1st, China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine disclosed the details of the case of Li Simin, deputy secretary of the party committee and principal of Guangxi University of Science and Technology.

After dinner on February 15, 2022, when the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection was taken away, the former deputy secretary of the party committee and principal of Guangxi University of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as Guangxi University of Science and Technology) had a blank brain, and the whole person was stunned.He suddenly remembered that when he visited a prison 20 years ago, he saw that he was one by one in the prison house.Unexpectedly, when I retired, I would enter the prison again.

The results of the review survey showed that during the period of Li Simin as the president of Guangxi University of Science and Technology, he helped others on project contracting, equipment procurement and engineering funds, and received a total of more than 1,500 million yuan from the property sent by others. On March 24, 2023, Li Simin was sentenced to 11 years in prison for bribery.

According to the article, after the inspection team of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Party Committee entered the Guangxi University of Science and Technology, because of the concerns of the school faculty and employees, Li Simin also publicly threatened on the Standing Committee of the School Party Committee: Who would clean up who chaos to the inspection team.

傲 <<<, I can't see any everywhere

According to reports, after graduating from a master's degree in 1989, Li Simin independently presided over two national defense scientific research projects with strong professionalism.As a university leader, Li Simin also made achievements.From 2006 to 2012, he served as the vice president of scientific research in Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as Gui Dian), and the school's scientific research work made great progress.

Because of these achievements, in 2014, he was appointed Deputy Secretary and President of the Party Committee of Guangxi University of Science and Technology.At that time, Guangxi University of Science and Technology had just changed its name from the college to the university and was in the golden period of the school's development. It was urgent to need a strong and experienced helm.

Organizational committees are heavy, hoping that he will improve the comprehensive strength of the school from the aspects of teaching, scientific research, and management; the faculty and staff of Guangxi University of Science and Technology will be full of expectations, hoping that new leaders will lead them to leap like Gui Dian.Only Li Simin doesn't look at it like this.In his opinion, he has been in Gui Dian since his graduate student. Not only is he familiar with the school's affection, but also work in all aspects.Now that Guangxi University of Science and Technology is equivalent to eating another suffering and suffering again.Li Simin stated that whether it is the funding for scientific research, the number of doctorates in the school teachers, or the ranking in colleges and universities across the country, there is a large gap between Guangxi University of Science and Technology and Guidian.The foundation of development is not as good as the original school. He needs to work again to leave the country, so that there is a significant gap in his heart.

Nevertheless, Li Simin, when he first arrived at the school, also wanted to do a career, trying to try to expand the scale of school enrollment, increase school funding income, and improve teacher performance.However, with the increase in contact time, the cadres and staff of Guangxi University of Science and Technology saw the other side of Li Simin.

傲 <<, I can't see it everywhere. This is the common impression of many cadres and employees in Guangxi University of Science and Technology.Li Simin often compares Gui Dian with Guangxi University of Science and Technology. How can you do it in Guidian before? Why not now?During the guidance, he was even more impatient and could not listen to different opinions. He often interrupted the speeches of colleagues, including team members, and even made people unable to come to Taiwan.It must be called the West, another colleague's impression of Li Simin.At the beginning of the speech, what is always in a prestigious school in Europe and what a famous American school is, and believes that the ideas of school cadres and employees are backward.

In fact, at that time, our school was just a teaching -type university, and Guiden was not in a stage of development, let alone a prestigious Western school he often talked about.School colleagues preached that Li Simin's concept is indeed advanced, but many of them are seriously advanced and do not meet the actual school. For example, if he didn't consider whether the school had a corresponding scientific research team, he spent tens of millions of yuan to buy an electronic microscope, but it was not used for a long time.I do n’t listen to the suggestions, and the opinions cannot be accepted. Over time, everyone is reluctant to find Li Simin to talk about ideas.

In Li Simin's work ideas, what is caught by the discipline construction and the doctoral point is always incapable of how to run the project and pull the funding.During the original school, in order to make up for the gap in scientific research funds, his response was to run the society, eat, drink, and usher in sending them.In 2014, Li Simin's 2014 of Guangxi University of Science and Technology was when the spirit of the eight central regulations became tight and tighter, and he still insisted on this set of methodology.Prior to the introduction of the eight central regulations, take a project for running funds and how much money can you take for a bottle. Now the era is different, without such environmental soil.For Li Simin's thinking and method of work, colleagues believe that it is out of time.

Li Simin, who met the nail, did not reflect on whether there was a problem with his ideas and methods, but blindly accused others.After a long time of working day, after feeling laborious, he put the organization's heavy support while picking up his child, and began to consider more personal gains and losses.It is more concerned about what is good, and there is no attitude towards the school. For 8 years as the principal, many people started lsquo; lying flat rsquo; School colleagues talk about the golden development period of the school after the school's missed renaming, full of regret.

As long as you think it is a friend, you don't talk about the principle of party spirit

According to reports, Li Simin likes to eat and drink, even to the degree of incredible.Shortly after working at Liuzhou, Li Simin often went to various wine bureaus.The school colleague said that I ate yesterday and eat again today; after drinking today, I still drink tomorrow.

Good face and promise have become Li Simin's characteristics of wine.After drinking on the wine table, he likes to promise things casually.Li Simin, who drinks higher, has a mantra. Our good brothers, I will do something for you and give you 1 million projects.During the staggered raises, Li Simin's scholars' colors have completely faded, and the relationship with the businessman's boss is getting closer and closer, such as the promotion of school cadres and employees, the number of accessories to the affiliated kindergarten, the candidates of the affiliated hospitals, the project bidding, etc.Completed the transaction.People inside the wine table calling, President Li's lectures and buddies.Li Simin recalled that As long as you think it is a friend, he does not talk about the principles of party spirit, and use the power in his hands to help do things.

The school cafeteria had a bunch of central kitchen equipment and put it idle for a long time. It was strange at the time, and now I understand.Some of the abnormal decisions of Li Simin at school were unable to get rid of the businessman owner around him.The businessman Luo Moumou was Li Simin's alumni in Guidian. When Li Simin first came to Liuzhou, he was unfamiliar with his life. Luo Moumou accompanied him before running and familiar with the environment. He slowly became Li Simin's most trusted friend in Liuzhou.Although Ye Moumou he met in 2014 was a new friend, but he took the initiative to arrange a private entertainment reception for Li Simin. He also gave a large amount of gifts on holidays. Li Simin fancy his ability to do business, and the relationship between the two quickly heated up.These central kitchen equipment purchased from Ye Moumou and purchased from a kitchenware equipment company.

Soon, Li Simin began to bring Luo Ye to the school gathering and introduced them to the school leaders; he also participated in the wine bureau organized by them to let others know that he had a close relationship with the two.Over time, many people know that if you want to contract the school project, you have to find Luo Moumou and Ye Moumou.With the development and construction of Guangxi HKUST New Campus, Li Simin and his two agents have intervened in the new campus engineering project and use the principles of commodity exchange to the fullest.Li Simin uses the power behind to help the businessman's boss operate the bidding project. Luo Moumou and Ye Moumou wear needle leading to the front to contact the businessman's boss or the schools, bidding and other units involved in related projects.On the one hand, representative Li Simin collects benefits to private enterprise bosses. The case handler introduced that Li Simin received 1 sent by others 1Among the more than 5 million yuan of property, more than 80%of the money with Luo Moumou and Ye Moumou.

Plastic before people, enjoyment of others

According to reports, in the eyes of many people, Li Simin is not a person who is keen to enjoy.It is average to eat and wear on weekdays, and do not deliberately pursue famous brands and high -end.

It wasn't until the fact that the facts of violations of the law and the law surfaced that people learned that Li Simin was a two -sided person who had a simple person and enjoyment. His convergence in the school shows his true desire when he gets along with the businessman's boss. In his own words, after serving as the principal, he saw the high -end life of the surrounding businessmen's boss, and began to add to hedonism.In order to facilitate the private use of the bus, Li Simin instructed the driver to remove the official car logo on the car and used the car to enter and exit high -end restaurants and other places many times.According to the case personnel, under the sake of the businessman's boss who must be in order to be in charge, Li Simin began to pursue high -end restaurants.In addition, he was also addicted to playing golf, and appeared in the golf course almost every weekend. He calmly accepted the stored value card and golf golf item given by the businessman's boss, and he also made his hedonal extravagant and seized into life into life.There is only the sport of golf.

In fact, Li Simin does maintain a simple living habit for a long time.Because of his outstanding academic ability, he had a lot of scientific research funds for a long time. He bought a scientific research instrument with 540,000 yuan in 1995.At that time, he could not afford a school fund -raising house of 50,000 yuan, and the family crowded in an old dormitory of 39 square meters.Even so, he has not moved his brains in scientific research funds, which can be described as academic research.

After serving as the principal, extravagant enjoyment became Li Simin's habit of living, and quickly transmitted it to his family.Under the power and money transaction, during the New Year's Eve, he not only could always get back various gifts from his home, but also the benefits and fees from the businessman boss.Sometimes Li Simin also attended the meal of the wine bureau with his wife, and took the initiative to introduce his wife and these good friends and buddies. Shang When the boss invited Li Simin to travel, he not only accepted it, but also took his wife and daughter to enjoy free benefits. I fell in the food, drink, and played, and I did not care about my family, and they let them be greedy for enjoyment.Li Simin said.

As the amount of bribes gets bigger and bigger, Li Simin gradually breeds the idea of ​​improving the quality of life in all aspects.In just a few years after receiving the first bribe, in addition to buying a house and buying a car to spend more than 13 million yuan, it only consumes more than 100 million yuan in daily life and shopping, which has lived a high -end life far exceeding the normal income level.According to the case person handling, Li Simin did not go carefully, chased the enjoyment, and was enthusiastic about pushing the cup to change the cup.Severer, corruption and corruption, embarked on the path of no return from wind and corruption.

Whoever seal someone who seizes to the inspection team

According to reports, as the head of a school, Li Simin almost did not accept the consciousness of supervision.Li Simin's position is the deputy secretary and principal of the party committee, but he is reluctant to mention his deputy secretary status at all. He often only writes the principal on the famous brand during the meeting and removes the position of the deputy secretary of the party committee.Do not pay attention to the school's party committee, and look at the school's disciplinary committee secretary as a subordinate. Once the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission reminded him to follow the rules of the party, Li Simin regarded supervision as a against himself, and threatened to find a chance to rectify him at school. The domineering style of acting not only made the staff in the school dare to be angry, but even the members of the school leaders were afraid of him.

In 2016, the school planned to build a new comprehensive experimental building, and some colleges proposed the idea of ​​expanding the construction area.According to the normal process, the incident must be discussed and agreed by the principal's office and the Standing Committee of the Party Committee. However, Li Simin did not even report the school party committee, so he directly notified the designer to modify the drawing, which suddenly increased the construction cost of more than 10 million yuan to the school.According to the case staff, similar things are not a small number of Li Simin, and it is even more normal in the field of school engineering construction. Under his wayward decision, although the project is approved by layers, it is based on Li Simin's will. , the decision -making process and bidding system are like furnishings.

For a long time, Li Simin has formed a arrogant and willful personality characteristics. He has ideological conflicts in supervision, acts against supervision, and even mistakes supervision as a thing that makes him lose face.The case handler analyzed that in response to the public report to reflect Li Simin's problem of receiving the banquet in violation of the regulations, he organized a letter twice, and he firmly denied it.

In September 2020, the inspection team of the Autonomous Region Party Committee entered Guangxi University of Science and Technology.He was afraid of his own disciplinary violations, and Li Simin discussed the response strategy with several bribers, established an offensive and defensive alliance to ask for concealing the problem of improper economic exchanges between them. Because of the concerns of the school faculty and employees, he also explained at the Standing Committee of the School Party Committee: whoever seal to the inspection team will clean up who.After the spread of the school, this remark caused a bad impact and seriously interfered the smooth development of inspection work.

September 22, 2023 was Li Simin's 60th birthday, and it was originally his retirement day.It has been more than 30 years since participating in work in 1989, and it has only been a few years since serving as the principal.I added a few sin and evil bricks on the wall of my life.When the wall collapsed, I buried myself and learned unforgettable.Recalling her experiences after participating in work, especially the indulgence and madness of the past few years before retirement, Li Simin burst into tears several times.However, his life has no chance of trial and error, and the beautiful retirement life that he once imagined no longer exists, waiting for him to have a long prison career.

Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine