Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, secretly visited Xiangxiang Economic Development Zone to investigate the problem of poor local investment and fiscal revenue.Shen Xiaoming had not greeted local investigations at least seven times in November.

Comprehensive reports from the Hunan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China to Hunan Daily, Surging News and China News Network reports, Shen Xiaoming investigated economic and social development in Xiangtan on Monday (December 4) and presided over a symposium, emphasizing that in -depth must be deepenedStudy and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important speech and instructions of Xi Jinping's work on the work of Hunan.

Reported that Shen Xiaoming did not say hello to the secret visit to the Xiangxiang Economic Development Zone's investment promotion work, and to increase financial revenue through tax returns.Improve the quality and efficiency of the development of the park.

Recently, Shen Xiaoming densely reached the grassroots unannounced visits.According to public reports, Shen Xiaoming has not greeted local investigations at least seven times in November, including Zhangjiajie, Yongzhou, Chenzhou, Huaihua, Xiangxi, Yueyang and Yiyang.

Among them, when Shen Xiaoming was investigating on November 14, he did not say hello to a secret visit to the problem of more than ten years for more than ten years.

In Shen Xiaoming's unannounced visits in the past month, the most mentioned asset idle issues, many times mentioned "effective active idle assets", "deep learning lessons", "minimizing losses".When Shen Xiaoming visited the Dongting Lake Museum in Yueyang on November 27, he requested that for the museum's long -term idle problem after the completion of the museum, in -depth research on sustainable and effective operation mechanisms, and effectively revitalizing public resources.