Recently, a bank female employee reported a real name in the work group, saying that it was repeated sexual relationships by a leader.

Network information is a screenshot of chat records in suspected social platform groups.The screenshot information shows that from the name of the group, it is a working group with more than 100 people. At 9 o'clock on December 2nd, a head of the woman was a female employee of the female surname.The employee of the branch business department, the real name reported that her leader Ma Moumou used his position to pressure her."I asked me to have a sexual relationship", and at the same time, the time and place of sexual relationships were listed.

The employee said in the information that he was deeply afraid of this and felt sorry for his family and children, and he was sorry for Ma Moumou's wife. He hoped that the leader could handle Ma Moumou.

Internet Chat Record

Screenshots show that after publishing the above information, Xu was still in the group.According to information on the Internet, the Incident Bank is the Zhenjiang Branch of Bank of Jiangsu.The reporter from Dahui noticed that some of the contents of the online chat record screenshot involved the bank work, which mentioned the names of multiple branches, and then inquired and found that the Bank of Jiangsu's branch in Zhenjiang.

On the evening of December 4, a reporter from Dahui called the Bank of Jiangsu's service hotline. The staff asked the reporter to contact the branch to understand the situation.

On December 5, a reporter from Dahui contacted the Bank of Jiangsu Zhenjiang Branch. A office staff stated that the reporter said, "For this matter, we have discovered the public opinion on the Internet."Investigation" is "whether the information of the online transmission information is true, and whether Xu and Ma Moumou involved in the online information are employees of the branch. The staff said it was inconvenient to answer and needed to apply to the head office for an interview process.