The website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reported on Monday (December 4) that the former Party Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Guangdong Provincial Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation was suspected of serious disciplinary violations.Disciplinary review of the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Team of the State Administration of Taxation and Supervision and Investigation of the Guangdong Provincial Supervision Committee.

Hu Jinmu is 65 years old, from Tongcheng, Hubei. He has long served as a tax system for a long time.

Public information shows that Hu Jinmu was the director of the Tax Management Office of the State Taxation Bureau of Taxation Taxation, Deputy Director of the Import and Export Tax Management Department of the State Administration of Taxation, and Director of the State Administration of TaxationEssence

In 2004, Hu Jinmu was a deputy secretary -general of the Jiangxi Provincial Government. In 2005, he served as deputy secretary and director of the Party Group of the Shandong National Taxation Bureau.

In November 2011, Hu Jinmu was transferred to the party secretary and deputy director of the National Taxation Bureau of Guangdong Province. In July 2012, he served as the party secretary and director of the Party Group and Director of the Guangdong Provincial Taxation Bureau.

According to the WeChat public "political affairs" under the Beijing News, after the institutional reform in 2018, he served as secretary and deputy director of the Party Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation. He stepped down in 2019 and was investigated.