(Toronto / Paris / Sydney Comprehensive) The Barlstan anti -war demonstration tide of Barlstan in the United States has spread to many countries in the world. Protes on universities such as Canada, France, Australia and Mexico have appeared in universities such as camps, sitting, and hunger strikes. Demonstration studentsThe school is required to cut off or investigate the cooperative relationship with Israeli institutions, but the school has been rejected.

U.S. intimate ally Canada is trying to curb the protest waves in universities.At present, protests have erupted by the University of Toronto, the University of Mormiel, the University of British Columbia and the University of Ottawa, and about 100 people in Toronto just protested at the University of Toronto alone.

Demonstration organizers at the University of Toronto show that they will continue to protest until the school promises to cut off its economic relations with Israel and cut off academic projects funded by Israeli companies or donors.

Quebec Governor Ledeng asked the police to enter the school on Thursday (May 2nd) to maintain order and demolish the protest camp at Mormor's McGir University. However, the police decided to continue to monitor the protest situation and have not taken action.

The Canadian Prime Minister's Office issued a statement a few days ago saying: "University is a place to study, a place where freedom of speech ... but only when people feel safe on campus, this is effective. The protests make the Jews feel unsafe."

This tide of academic studies has also spread to Europe. About 70 pro -Palestinian students in the Politics University of France's top universities in France, Parisian University of Politics, were in the main building of the campus on the campus, and six of them also started hunger strike.

The demonstrators also put forward similar demands to investigate the cooperative relationship with the Israeli academic institutions, but the school was rejected.In order to maintain the public security in the school, the school announced on Friday (3rd) that it would continue to close the main campuses and asked faculty to work at home.

A little later that day, the police entered the Politics University of Paris and expelled dozens of students sitting quietly at the entrance hall of the university.One of the students Bastian said he and the other protesters went out of the peaceful area by a group of people with 10 people.Another student Lucas said, "Some students were dragged and others were caught on their heads or shoulders."

French law enforcement officers entered Paris University on Friday to drive dozens of students sitting quietly in the entrance hall.(Agence France -Presse)

It is understood that the Jewish population in France ranks third in the world, second only to Israel and the United States.At the same time, France is also a country with the most trances in Europe, so the official is cautious about the domestic demonstration.

In Australia, hundreds of supporters of Israel and Gaza confronted the University of Sydney. They shouted face -to -face slogans and waved their flags.Nevertheless, in addition to some more intense confrontation, protests are peaceful.

Kiss Barlus demonstrators have camped on the lawn for 10 days in front of the University of Sydney, but the president of the University of Sydney said on Thursday that the camp may continue to stay on the campus. The protests have not evolved into a similar American campus.Violence.

In addition, dozens of protesters at the State Autonomous University of Mexico protested and demanded that the Mexican government interrupted diplomatic relations with Israel and Israel.