The Philippine President President Marco said that the commercial agreement reached by the Philippines and Japan and the United States in the Washington Summit will not affect China's investment in the Philippines.

Reuters reported that after the Three -Party Summit of the United States, Japan and the Philippines on Friday (April 12), Satsuz said at a press conference: "This three -party agreement and China have any discussions or potential investment plans in the Philippines in the Philippines.Is it unrelated to affect (China Investment)? I don't think it is impact. "

The three leaders of the United States, Japan and the Philippines discussed the cooperation in the economic field at the Sanfang Summit on the 11th, showing that while the US -Japan supports the Philippines, it is necessary to build a diversified supply chain that does not depend on China.

The United States and Japan will support the construction of infrastructure such as ports and railways in the Philippines. The "Luzon Economic Corridor" will be established in the area including the Philippines, including the capital Manila, and supports Subick Bay, Clark, Manila and Pada geese.Interconnection between between.