(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Secretary of State Broskens invited China, Saudi Arabia and other countries to exert influence and abandoned Iran to attack Israel.

Iran said earlier that Israel attacked the Iranian embassy in Syria, and seven Iranian officers died in the attack.Both American and Israeli officials believe that Iran's launching retaliation attacks are inevitable.

U.S. State Council spokesman Miller told reporters on Thursday (April 11) that Brinkenson talked with foreign ministers from China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and European countries.Urges Iran not to upgrade the situation. "

China confirmed that foreign minister Wang Yi and Brinkeng called on Friday.Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said that China strongly condemned the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria and emphasized that the security of foreign institutions cannot be violated. Iran and Syria's sovereignty should be respected.

Wang Yi said that China will play a constructive role in the solution of the Middle East issue, contribute to the cooling of the situation, and emphasize that the United States should especially play a constructive role.

Brinken also called on Thursday with Israel's defense director Garant, reiterating that the United States resolutely supported Israel's threat to deal with Iran.

Garrant insisted that if Iran directly attacked Israeli territory, Israel would respond properly.The Israeli Prime Minister Natana said that Israel is ready to deal with any situation.

A US official revealed that the United States expects Iran to launch an attack on Israel, but the attack scale will not be enough to involve Washington into the war.

The White House said earlier that the United States did not want the conflict to spread in the Middle East, and informed Iran's Washington that did not participate in the Iranian ambassador to the Syrian embassy, ​​warned Tehran not to use the problem to make the situation upgrade.

The U.S. Department of Defense said that the United States Central Command of the Central Command of Middle East affairs, Curry, has gone to Israel and held talks with local officials on the issue of security threats.

Germany and Britain also called on Iran to maintain restraint.

German Foreign Minister Belbak made an appeal to Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan, hoping that Iran would maintain the maximum restraint to avoid further upgrading the situation.British Foreign Minister Cameron stated that Iran should not drag the Middle East into a wider conflict.

Midea restricted diplomats in Israel

For security considerations, the United States banned any private travel in the U.S. government employees and families in Israel in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Bellsbaba.

The US Embassy in Israel issued a notice on Thursday: "The security environment is still complicated, and it may change rapidly according to the political situation and the recent incidents."

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also urged Russian citizens to avoid going to the Middle East, especially Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine.

The Wall Street Journal quoted insiders on Thursday that Iran may attack southern and north of Israel with medium -range missiles within 24 to 48 hours, and Israel is preparing for this.

Analysis: Iran wants to retaliate against it

However, another news from Iranian high -level officials said that Iran has not made a final decision because Hamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, still has concerns about the fight against Israel.According to reports, Hamenei was worried that Iranian missiles would be shot down, and it might have caused Israel to fight against Iran's strategic infrastructure.

Iran said to the United States earlier that it would respond to the act of seriously upgrading the situation to respond to the behavior of Israel's attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria, nor will it rush to take action.

Bloomberg sorted out several possibilities of Iran's revenge, including launching a comprehensive war, and then involved the United States and other Israeli allies into it; targeting the target to the Israeli embassy and consulate, to redeem the dentalization of the Damascus explosion;The agent launched a non -military attack; attacking Israel or the US military base.

However, some analysts believe that it is not easy for Iran to start revenge, and it may also lead to a significant upgrade in the Middle East conflict and make Iran a target.

The University of Kuwait Persian Gulf and Arabic Affairs expert Saiyv said that Iran is currently in danger."Israel has agreed that Iran is bluffing. Iran's response is not, and it does not work without response."