(Washington Composite Electric) International Monetary Fund (IMF) implies that it will slightly increase global growth forecasts, but also warn that if inflation and debt challenges cannot be cope, the world economy may form "tepid and not hot in the past 10 years.In the 1920s.

IMF President Georkova Jelkova made a speech at the online event held by the Atlantic Council of Washington Think Tank on Thursday (April 11), saying that the IMF scheduled for the new economic outlook report published next Tuesday, the global economy, the global economy,Growth forecast will be slightly stronger.The latest economic outlook report in January this year predicts that this year will increase by 3.1%this year and 3.2%in 2025.

Geolkeva said: "We have avoided the global recession and stagnation, but there are still many things that are worrying."

She pointed out that the strong consumption and investment and the relief of the supply chain problem are the thrust of the strong growth of the United States and many emerging market economies.However, she believes that inflation has not been completely defeated, and the debt level of most countries is still too high.

She said that if the direction is not adjusted, the world will move towards "TEPID TWENTIES", and it will have a 10 -year downturn and disappointing economy.She pointed out that IMF still predicts that the mid -term prospects of global economic growth will be "far lower than the historical average level", which is slightly higher than 3%.

She also called on central banks from various countries to avoid premature or delaying relaxation of monetary policy, so as not to cause new inflation threats or suppress economic activities.

Georkyeva was interviewed by Kenpu, the president of the Atlantic Council, and said that "the Federal Reserve Agency is acting cautiously."degree".She also warned that the long -term strengthening of the US dollar may cause other countries to worry about financial stability.

She pointed out that with her policy capabilities, she can achieve soft economic landing. "So we are a good belt, and at some point we will land."

She said that countries should control debt to sustainable levels, and implement policies to accelerate economic green transformation and digital transformation, and promote productivity growth.

Geolkeva said that the trauma caused by the crown disease epidemic has not healed. Since 2020, the global output loss is about 3.3 trillion US dollars (about S $ 4.5 trillion), and the most vulnerable countryToo much to bear these losses.In addition, the global environment has become more challenging, and geopolitical tensions have increased the risk of splitting the world economy.