The situation of Iran and Israel is very urgent, and US Secretary of State Broskel urged China and other countries to use their influence to disclose Iran to launch an attack on Israel.

Agence France -Presse reported that the US State Department spokesman Miller Miller said on Thursday (April 11) that Brinton talked with many foreign ministers in China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Europe in the past day, "clearly tell them, tell them clearly, tell them,"The upgrading of the conflict between Iran and Israel does not meet the interests of anyone, and countries should urge Iran not to upgrade the situation. "

Miller said that Brins also called with Israeli National Defense Minister Garrant, "reiterating that the United States has firmly supported Israel to respond to these threats."

The Iranian Embassy in Syria April 1st Seven members of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard died.The two of them were senior commanders of the "Sacred City Travel", and Tehran refers to Israel's implementation of the attack.Safavi, the military consultant of Hamenei, the highest leader of Iran, warned that Israel's embassies around the world are no longer safe.