(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Bynden emphasized on Thursday that the United States' defense commitment to Japan and the Philippines is indestructible.

On the afternoon of April 11, Eastern Time (early April 12, Singapore time), Bayidon held the Three Party Summit with the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita and Philippine President Konatsu.The Chinese Sea protects the Philippines.

Biden, Kishida, and Marco show that the Three Kingdoms Alliance is the cornerstone of the Asia -Pacific peace and democracy.Martakus said that the United States, Japan and the Philippines agreed to "unswervingly committed to maintaining rules -based international order."Kishida Wenxiong said that multi -level cooperation with the like -minded country is crucial, and "today's US -Japan -Philippine Conference will create history."

The Philippines and China have occurred in a series of conflicts in the South China Sea in the past year. The two countries have collided many times. The Philippines has accused Chinese maritime police vessels using high -pressure water guns many times, hindering the Philippine ships in Ayunjian Reef (China known as China.Renai Reef) Stranging warship transportation.

A senior US government official told Bloomberg that the United States believes that China is increasingly using coercion strategies, and more and more countries have begun to counterattack.Former East Asia and Pacific Affairs Assistant Secretary of State Russell said: "China's common strategy is to try to use its pressure to beolate, but the summit on April 11 clearly shows that the Philippines is not alone."

Three leaders issued a "Joint Vision Statement" after the meeting, outlined a series of economic and national defense cooperation in the three countries of the United States, Japan and the Philippines.According to the statement, the three countries of the United States, Japan and the Philippines will cooperate with allies such as Australia to conduct more joint maritime training, patrols and exercises in the Indo -Pacific region.The United States and Japan will help the Philippines to improve the ability of the coastal guards; the maritime security forces of the Three Kingdoms will hold a joint exercise in the Indo -Pacific region in the next year.

Three leaders in the statement to "danger and aggression in the South China Sea", "the militaryization and illegal maritime proposition of the islands and reefs in the South China Sea", and "hindering the freedom of the Philippine vessels exercise the freedom of navigation,"Interrupting Ayunjin Reef supply line" means "serious concern."

The statement said: "We resolutely oppose the danger of the South China Sea, forced the use of maritime police and maritime militia vessels, and interfere with the mining of offshore resources in other countries."

In recent years, the United States and Japan have worked hard to promote the strategy of using the frameworks of the Three Kingdoms and Four Kingdoms with Australia, South Korea, and India to maintain international order.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning Jun on Friday (12th) rebuked the United States, Japan and the Philippines that it was "a wantonly discredited attack on China."She criticized the Philippines 'provocations and the United States' "irritating ignition and provoking confrontation" that caused regional situations to rise.

Mao Ning said: "China has unswervingly safeguarding its own territorial sovereignty and marine rights, insisting on the right of bilateral offshore -related issues through the dialogue and negotiation of the country."

Leaders of the Three Kingdoms discuss economic cooperation

Three leaders also discussed the cooperation in the economic field at the summit, showing that while the United States and Japan support the Philippines, it is necessary to build a diversified supply chain that does not rely too much on China.

The United States and Japan will support the construction of infrastructure such as ports and railways in the Philippines. The "Luzon Economic Corridor" will be established in areas, including the capital Manila, and supports the Subick Bay, Clark, Manila, and Bada Goose.Interconnection.

Bloomberg believes that the US and allies' investment commitments for infrastructure construction in developing countries can become an alternative to China's iconic "Belt and Road" initiative.

The United States and Japan will allow Philippine students to receive high -level training at major universities in the United States and Japan to cultivate talents to build a strong and reliable semiconductor supply chain.

The United States will provide funding to the Philippine nickel ore company Eramen Minerals Inc. to develop a factory that processs ore into nickel and cobalt.Nickel is a mineral required for pure electric vehicle batteries.Earlier, Matokus said that he hoped to develop the country's downstream mineral industry, and China is currently the main participant in the Philippines mining industry.