(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Nada promised to start the "new era" of the US -Japan strategic cooperation.Establish closer relationships on the occasion of aggressiveness.

Bayon and Kishida held about two hours of closed -door summit on Wednesday (April 10) at the White House, which focused on the turbulent Indo -Pacific region and China.

Two leaders issued a joint statement after the meeting saying that they must establish a global security partnership to deal with complicated and interrelated challenges.

Biden emphasized that the United States has unswervingly committed to the use of comprehensive capabilities including nuclear power to defend Japan.The two said that Japan's measures to strengthen defense structure and capabilities have opened the "new era of US -Japan security cooperation."

The two also said that the modernization of the United States and Japan is promoting (the US military and the Japanese Self -Defense Force) command and control, which will help achieve greater interoperability in the peacetime and conflict period.

The joint press conference held at the White House Rose Garden said: "This is the most significant upgrade since the establishment of the United States and Japan."

Prevent China's unilateral change of the status quo

The United States and allies, including Japan, have been strengthening military forces to deal with the increasing threat of China in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, and to prevent any attempts from Beijing to attack Taiwan.

Kishida said that Biden discussed the tension between Taiwan and China and promised to maintain the international order of rule of law.Chinese officials have recently said that external interference cannot block the "historical trend of family reunion" in Taiwan and mainland China.

Kishida said: "No matter where you are, the attempts that change the status quo through force or coercion are absolutely unacceptable." He said that the United States and Japan will continue to respond to such actions, including challenges from China, including challenges from ChinaEssence

Kishida also said: "About Russia's aggression on Ukraine ... Today's Ukraine may be Tomorrow's East Asia."

However, Japan and the United States also expressed their intention to pay attention to dialogue with China.Biden vowed to maintain an open communication channel with China, and emphasized that the US -Japan Alliance is essentially defensive.

Kishida gave a speech to the United States' global leadership in the United States on Thursday (11th) to give a lecture on the joint meeting of the two House of Representatives of the United States.He said that the United States must continue to play a leading role in international affairs. He called on Americans to overcome "self -doubts" and warn the risks brought about by China's rise, saying that Japan, which has been deprived of military power after World War II, determined to take more actions.With its allies, the United States shares responsibilities.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: U.S. -Japanese relations should not harm the interests of other countries

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning answered inquiries on the US -Japan statement on Thursday that the United States and Japan regardless of the serious concerns of China, and discredited China on issues such as Taiwan and the sea.Basic criteria.The Chinese side strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposed this, and has proposed to relevant parties to seriously negotiate.

She pointed out that US -Japan relations should not target other countries or harm the interests of other countries, and should not undermine regional peace and stability.Mao Ning also emphasized that the Taiwan issue is purely in the Chinese internal affairs and cannot interfere with any external forces.

Taiwan thanked the heads of state of the United States and Japan for their continued publicity in the publicity and stability of the Taiwan Strait in the publicity and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

The United States and Japan jointly develop missiles to maintain warships to participate in the American Moon Mission in the United States

Bayidon and Kishida this summit brought the United States and Japan into a closer stage since becoming an allies decades ago.

According to the announcement, in addition to promoting the command and controlling modernization of the US and the Japanese Self -Defense Force in Japan, the two countries will also establish a national defense industry cooperation forum to determine the areas of joint development and joint production of missiles and maintain US warships and aircraft.The two countries have also announced the upgrading of national defense communication networks, cooperating with Australia to develop new air missile defense networks, and military exercises with Britain.

Statement also said that the existing partners of the Australian and American Safety Agreement (AUKUS) are considering that they have advanced capabilities and technologies such as quantum computing, submarine, supersonic speed, artificial intelligence and network technology with JapanExpand Cooperation.

The two countries have also announced that Japanese astronauts will participate in the Moto Moon mission of NASA.

Japan is the most important Asian allies and the largest foreign direct investment sources in the United States.As Japan has continuously revised the security law in the past ten years, it has changed its post -war peace constitution, and Japan is also playing an increasingly important global role at the safety level.

On Wednesday night, Biden and his wife Jill set up a grand national banquet to wait for Kishida and his wife Yuko.Biden led everyone to a toast for "our alliance, our friendship".Kishida quoted the "brave" in the front of the science fiction TV drama Star Trek (the predecessor ", and wished the relationship between the two countries to move forward.