Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshi told the US Congress that the leadership role played by the United States in international affairs is indispensable.

According to Agence France -Presse, on Thursday (April 11) in the U.S. Congress, Kishida urged Americans not to doubt the "key" role played by the United States in international affairs.This is nine years, and the Japanese Prime Minister spoke again in the US Congress.

Kishida said in fluent English: "The international order that the ancestors of the United States strive to build are facing new challenges. These challenges come from countries that are very different from us."

Kishida said that he can understand the United States "to maintain the exhaustion of international order as almost the power of one country", but he added that the leadership of the United States is indispensable.

He said: "Without the support of the United States, how long will it be captured by Moscow? Without the existence of the United States, how long will it face a more severe situation without the existence of the United States?"

Kishida also warned the risks brought by China's rise and said that Japan was deprived of military rights after World War II, and was determined to assume more responsibilities with the United States.

Kishida Wednesday (10th) met with US President Biden, and the two sides promised to strengthen defense cooperation.

Kishida will meet with Biden again on Thursday on Thursday, and holds a three -party summit with the Philippine President President Markis.