Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshiong, at a press conference held with the US President Biden, misunderstood China as the "allies" in Japan, but then quickly corrected his mistakes.

According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post, I visited the United States on Wednesday (April 10) to hold talks with Biden, and then met with reporters together.When answering questions about diplomacy against China, Kishida said in Japanese, "China is our allies", but quickly corrected: "Sorry, based on a firm trust relationship with our allies in the United States, weIt will urge China to fulfill its responsibility as a big country.

Reporting describes, Kishida also raised his right hand to signal when correcting the mouth errors.

This visit to the United States is the first time that Kishida has been in the United States since its nine years since the Japanese Prime Minister.The event was rich in activities, including entertainment dinner, welcome ceremony, bilateral summit, etc.

Kishida and Biden also issued a joint statement at a press conference.This is the