The United States and Japanese leaders jointly held a press conference to announce a series of cooperation plans that cover defense and intelligence cooperation, even the moon landing.President Bynden said that this is the most important upgrade since the establishment of the United States and Japan.

Bloomberg reported that Bayeng was receiving a visit to the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Wenxiong in Washington on Wednesday (April 10). The two then attended a press conference together.Biden stated to reporters present that the United States and Japan alliances are the largest assets in the United States, and the plan to strengthen collaboration between the U.S. and the Japanese army is "the most significant upgrade since the establishment of our alliance."

Related plans include the United States and Japan to improve their respective command and control systems, establish an industrial committee to study joint manufacturing weapons; at the same time, establish a missile defense system network with Australia, and joint exercises with the United Kingdom, and so on.

On Thursday (11th) local time, Bayidon and Kishida will also meet with Philippine President Markus.This is the first time that the leaders of the United States, Japan and the Philippines have held a three -sided summit.

On the other hand, a joint statement issued by Biden and Kishida on Wednesday made a severe criticism of China.The statement stated that China ’s action in the South China Sea was“ dangerous and upgraded ”and opposed“ trying to destroy the peace management of Japan ’s long -term islands (China -called Diaoyu Islands)”.

Biden and Kishida also announced that they will jointly conduct artificial intelligence research in the university community.Biden said two Japanese astronauts will join the future of the United States on the moon landing, one of which will become the first non -American who has appeared in the moon in history.

Biden refers to the Artemis program of the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) to perform the first astronaut's moon landing mission in 2026, allowing humans to return to the moon.NASA has previously announced that the plan will witness the first female and the first sex race on the moon.

NASA Director said in a video that the United States will no longer land on the moon alone, "diplomacy is conducive to discovering and discovery is conducive to diplomacy."

At the same time, China also strives to send humans to the moon by 2030.

In addition, Biden and Kishida also face some difficult problems, including the acquisition of the Nippon Steel to the US Steel.It is reported that when asked about the matter at the press conference, he tried not to make more statements as much as possible.He said that he insisted on his previous support of the union; Kishida said that he hoped that the acquisition process would be actively developing.

The joint statement also mentioned Japan's concerns about gaining liquefied natural gas, but did not make specific explanations to the future natural gas supply in the United States.