(Washington Composite Electric) A major bridge in the East Coast Industrial City Balt Motor was collapsed by a Singapore -registered container ship, and 20 people and more cars on the bridge fell into the river.

The accident occurred at around 1:30 am (Singapore 1:30 pm) at 1:30 am on Tuesday (March 26).The closed -circuit TV video shows that the container hit the "Francis Scott Key Bridge" bridge pier, the bridge body was cut into the PatapSco River.In the video, you can see the lights on the bridge surface. When the steel bridge is broken, the vehicles fall into the water.

Baltimore's Baltimore spokesman Cartres said to the United States Cable Television News: "Unfortunately, we know that 20 people and multiple cars may fall into the Patabusco River."

It is known that there are also some workers on the bridge when the incident is repairing the concrete of the bridge.

According to the ship tracking data of the London Stock Exchange Group, the "DALI" container of the bridge is 289 meters, and the Singapore flag is hung. The ship owner is Grace Ocean PTE LTD and is managed by Singapore Ship Management Synergy Marine Group.

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Synergy Marine issued a statement on the group website that there were 22 Indian crew members, including two leaders on board at the time.All crew members are safe and sound, no one is injured, and the accident does not cause pollution."The exact cause of the accident has not been determined, but Dali has started the accident notification mechanism. The US Coast Guard and local officials have received notifications that the owner and manager of the ship will cooperate with the federal and local government agencies in accordance with the approved plan."

The Singapore Maritime and Port Authority also issued a statement saying that the Maritime Agency will keep in touch with the US Coast Guard and ship management company to provide necessary assistance.The Maritime Bureau also said: "As a Flag State, the Maritime Bureau will fully cooperate with the US Coast Guard to investigate."

The Maritime Agency has stated to relevant US agencies that they are willing to support investigations. Investigators of the Singapore Traffic Safety Investigation Bureau and Maritime Agency have set off to Baltimore.

Maersk, a container carriers headquartered in Denmark, confirmed that container ships were rented by Masis at the time and carried customers' goods.The ship was scheduled to leave Baltimore in the early morning of Tuesday and arrived in Columbia, India next month.

"Lost Power"

The reason for the accident is still under investigation, but the US media quoted a preliminary report from the network security and infrastructure security bureau that the container ship "lost power" after leaving Hong Kong and notified that the ship of the Ministry of Communications of the Maryland state was out of control and might hit it.bridge.

Governor of Maryland revealed that the official quickly closed some roads leading to the bridge after receiving the notification to reduce casualties.

From the CCTV screen, the DALI number hanging on the Singapore flag was at the time of hitting the bridge, and it was once the lights were at the time of the bridge.(Video screenshot)
After the container boat hit the bridge pier, the bridge of the Francis Scott Kya Bridge was cut off, and the vehicles on the bridge fell into the water.(Video screenshot)

CCTV video shows that when the boat is close to the bridge, it seems to be power off, and the lights on the boat are completely died. It was not lit until it was near the bridge pier, and a large number of black smoke sprayed.

After nine hours of the accident, search and rescue work is still ongoing.Balt's Captain Wallaste's Captain Wallace revealed that Sona had "detected the existence of vehicles" in the port, but it was not estimated that several vehicles fell into the river.

As of 10 am on the 26th, rescuers have found two wounded, one of which is very serious, and the other is not injured.

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Maryland has announced that the state has entered an emergency state and demanded resources from the federal government.The ninth largest port of the United States, which is near the collapse bridge, has suspended the ship in and out of the ship.

U.S. President Biden has heard relevant reports, and the White House is paying close attention to the development of the situation.The White House officials showed no malicious attempts.Walle, the director of Baltham, also said: "There are no signs at all showing that the accident involves terrorism, or someone deliberately caused it."

The total length of the collapse bridge is 2.57 kilometers, with four lanes, which opened in 1977.Bridge is named after the name of the American national anthem, Francis Scott is a landmark of Baltimore.Many residents who rushed to the bridge because they heard the impact loud noise were shocked and regretful about the collapse of the bridge.