The White House of the United States said that the US government took a serious look at an internal regulatory report on the US ambassador to Singapore.

Comprehensive Bloomberg and Reuters reported that according to a report released by the U.S. State Administration of State's Supervisor on Friday (March 1), Jonathan Kaplan has threatened employees and wasted public crickets, and failed to promote the interests of the United States.

The report said that when the US embassy interviewed in Singapore interviewed during the regular review process, when talking about Capland, he said that he was afraid of being retaliated with Capland, and some personnel were even threatened directly.

The report also refers to Capland's travel costs or complete documents of about $ 48,000 (about S $ 64,550) on time.

Capland is an American entrepreneur and a Democratic party donor. He was appointed as the US ambassador to Singapore at the end of 2021.


Report also found that Capland's "poor relations with some government departments in Singapore" damaged the efforts of the United States and this Asia -Pacific city -states with important strategic significance.

Capland issued a statement saying that he "will quickly solve the problems and suggestions found in the report and take all responsibilities."

The report of the Office of the State Council Supervisor's Office also suggested that the State Council conducts further investigations on Capland's behavior.

White House National Security Council spokesman Cerby said that President Biden "is confident that the State Council will take this matter very seriously" and hopes that "he will be stationed overseas and domestic representatives to lead and managers in a manifestation and decent manner."" ".