(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Minister of Commerce Raymond is confident that within six years, 20%of the world's cutting -edge logic chips will be produced in the United States.However, she also bluntly stated that the amount of subsidies for advanced semiconductor companies currently apply to the government is too high, and most applications will not be satisfied.

Raymond Monday (February 26) disclosed in a speech at the Washington Strategy and International Research Center that more than 600 companies have submitted a letter of intent to funding at present, applying for more than 70 billion US dollars (about 94 billion yuan S $ 94 billion) The subsidy, but the "vast majority" will not be subsidized because the government planned only 28 billion US dollars.

Raymondo said that the Ministry of Commerce is currently continuing to negotiate with major companies including Intel, TSMC and Samsung.In order to support more projects, she urged the chip company to "do more at a less cost."

According to Raymond, the US government will give priority to projects that can be put into operation by 2030, and currently do not consider other longer projects for the time being.

The U.S. Congress passed a $ 52.7 billion chip and science bill in August 2022. It includes a US $ 39 billion subsidy plan for the US semiconductor manufacturing.Import in other places.The Ministry of Commerce plans to invest 28 billion U.S. dollars into cutting -edge facilities.

American cutting -edge logic chip currently accounts for zero

The Ministry of Commerce estimates that the funds from the federal government will ensure that by 2030, the cutting -edge logical chips produced by the United States can account for 20%of the world's global, and the current proportion of the United States is zero.

Raymond Duo said: "We also believe that we will have the leading memory, which is also a key investment in the artificial intelligence system."

She pointed out that although the development of the United States in chip design and the development of large -scale language models in artificial intelligence is leading positions, the United States does not create or encapsulates advanced chips required for artificial intelligence and national defense.

Raymond Duo said: "The cruel fact is that the United States cannot lead the world as a leader in technology and innovation on the basis of such unstable basis. We must create these chips in the United States."

Earlier this month, the Ministry of Commerce announced that it would provide a $ 1.5 billion subsidy to the GLOBAL FOUNDRIES, which is headquartered in New York to strengthen the supply of traditional US chips.This is the third subsidy of the Ministry of Commerce based on the chip and the scientific bill.