(Jerusalem / Gaza Comprehensive Electric) Hamas and Israel faded the expectations of U.S. President Biden on Tuesday, the U.S. President Bynden had a ceasefire agreement on Harbin.Hamas officials said that the negotiations did not make breakthroughs, and there were still huge differences between the two sides; Israeli officials also pointed out that the words of Bayon were surprising that he did not communicate with Israel's leadership before his speech.

Bayeng said on Monday (February 26) that he hopes to reach a ceasefire agreement before March 4.He later said in an interview with the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) that Israel was agreed to stop activities in Gaza during the Muslim Thai Month.

However, the New York Times reported on Tuesday (27th) quoted Hamas spokesman Nay, a report that Israeli officials held talks with Qatar, Egypt, and the United States in Paris last week.Receive any new proposal.

Hamas official Abdulhada stated in an interview with Lebanon TV that Hamas still insisted on the long -term ceasefire in Israel and said that the news about the negotiations was released to force Hamas to soften his position.He said: "We are not interested in the agreement on participation, because it cannot meet our requirements."

According to Reuters, Hamas senior officials were quoted that the Bayeng said that the agreement was close to the premature statement and did not meet the actual situation. There was still huge differences between Ha Ha.

A spokesman for the Israeli government also insisted on Tuesday that Hamas must give up the "strange requirements", and Gaza can achieve a ceasefire.

A spokesman for the Qatar Foreign Ministry said that Qatar could not comment on Biden's words, but he was optimistic about the prospects of negotiations.

Nei Tanahu said it was widely supported by the United States

As the casualties caused by the Gaza War continued to rise, Israel was facing increasing international pressure.Biden warned on Monday that if the Israeli government continues to be extremely conservative, it may lose international support.

In this regard, the Israeli Prime Minister Natanahu said on Tuesday that he insisted on the pressure to end Israel's premature end of the Gaza War, saying that Israel's actions were widely supported by the American people.

Nei Tanahu quoted a recent survey result of Harvard University and polls, saying that Israel has received 82%of the American people support. "This will give us more strength to continue this military operation until they fully defeat the fully defeat"" ".

However, another survey conducted by the Associated Press and the National Public Opinion Research Center of Chicago (NORC) in January (NORC) showed that about half of the Americans believeEssence

According to the Russian news agency quoted by the Palestinian ambassador to Russia, Hamas and the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Farta) on the west bank of the Jordan River will meet on Thursday (29th) to discuss the establishment of the Palestinian unity government and the government and the government and the government.Rebuild Gasha.The Palestinian government has announced his resignation a few days ago, but it will continue to perform its duties until the new government is established.