The Myanmar Military Government said on Saturday (February 10) that Myanmar will enforce the law of mandatory military recruitment, allowing the army to call all men aged 18 to 35 and women aged 18 to 27 for at least two years, and doctors under 45 years old, and doctors under 45 years old.Professionals must serve for three years.

Agence France -Presse reported that the military government information team said in a statement that the military government "issued a notice that the Human Military Service Law came into effect on February 10, 2024".The law was formulated by the former military government in 2010, but has never taken effect.

Saturday's statement does not provide more details, but the Ministry of National Defense of the Military Government will "release the necessary rules, procedures, announcements, notifications and instructions."There is no detailed explanation of how the people who are recruited will serve.

Military Government spokesman Zu Min swallowed in the audio message: "Given the current situation in my country, the national military service system is very important." "


Military Service Law stipulates that during the emergency period, the service period can be extended to a maximum of five years, and those who ignore the call order may be imprisoned at the same time limit.

Since the victory seizing power in February 2021, Myanmar has been in an emergency.The "People's Defense Forces", which supports democracy, has recruited tens of thousands of young recruits and is fighting the military government throughout the country.

In late October last year, ethnic minorities and local armed organizations fought against the military in the northern part of Laun State, seized territory and controlled China -Myanmar Trading Port.Subsequently, the resistance organizations across Myanmar increased their offensives, and the military faced the biggest crisis in the past three years.Analysts said that the military government is trying to recruit soldiers and forces non -combatants to the front.

Several anonymous sources said that the success of the Northern Myanmar civil land offensive and the military's failure to launch a counterattack, which weakened the morale of the middle and low -level officers.