Huawei, a Chinese technology giant, confirmed that the French National Financial Procuratorate searched on Thursday (February 8th) local time (February 8) searched Huawei's multiple office locations in France.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Huawei pointed out in a statement that the company fully cooperates with the investigation and will continue to do so.

Statement said that Huawei has operated in France for more than 20 years and has been abiding by various laws and regulations.

"Huawei does not comment on the underway investigation, but the company is confident in the conclusion of the investigation." The statement added.

A official of the French Department of Justice said the investigation was aimed at the suspected "Atteinte à La Probité"; the French word had multiple meanings, which may refer to illegal acts such as corruption, abuse of public funds or rights and money transactions.This person familiar with the matter is unwilling to provide more details.

Huawei has more than one research center in France. It is currently built in the first factory outside China in small towns near Strasbourg.

Zhang Minggang, co -director of Huawei France, told French Broadcasting Station in December last year that this factory will produce telecommunications equipment for the European market. It is planned to be put into production at the end of 2025. 500 employees will be hired in the future.