North Korea decided on Wednesday to unilaterally abolish laws and agreements related to economic cooperation related to South Korea and North Korea.The analysis believes that this is the purpose of not considering the special relationship between South Korea and the North Korea, and further strengthening the purpose of breaking the tone of the relations between the South Korea and DPRK.However, the economic and trade cooperation between South Korea and North Korea is actually in a state of interruption. It is expected that the South Korean government will not immediately take countermeasures.

The North Korean Society reported that the 30th plenary meeting of the 14th Supreme People's Conference of North Korea was held on Wednesday (February 7) at the Wanshoutai Temple of Wanshoutai, Pyongyang.The International Tourism Special Administrative Region Law and its implementation rules, as well as related agreements related to economic cooperation in South Korea.

The South Korean and North Korea Economic Cooperation Law passed in 2005 and stipulates that the applicable objects and processes of Korean and North Korean economic and trade cooperation are stipulated.As the law is abolished, North Korea will not have separate procedures for economic and trade cooperation in South Korea.The Rule of King Kong Special Tourism Zone is formulated in 2011, stipulating that South Korea or foreign companies and individuals invest in the Jinshan Special Economic Zone.However, North Korea did not disclose the specific content of the related agreements related to economic cooperation in South Korea.

At the end of 2023, North Korean leader Kim Jong -un has characterized South Korea -DPRK relations as "hostile warfare relations" at the Ninth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Party.Thoroughly abandon the concept of "unity, reconciliation, and peers".

The Ministry of Unification of South Korea stated that as of the end of 2018, there were 258 agreements signed by South Korea, of which 112 were related to economic cooperation.

Earlier, North Korea announced in March 2016 that all agreements related to economic cooperation and exchanges between North Korea and South Korea were invalid.

Relevant sources of the Unified Department said: "If the 2016 North Korea announced that the agreement was invalidated, it was declared by the Supreme People's Conference to abolish the laws and agreements and adopted the significance of formal steps. (North Korea's measures) was expected to be expected.Things, this will further deepen North Korea's isolation. "

Professor Lin Yi, a professor at the Institute of Far East of Qingnan University, pointed out that these are the legal foundations established on the basis of trust relationships after signing the basic agreement in 1991 in 1991.In the future, North Korea may also announce the abolition of the South Korean leadership agreement and basic agreement.The loss of Korean companies investing in North Korea is inevitable.

Hong Yan, a senior research member of the Unified Research Institute, believes that before North Korea revised the Constitution, measures to abolish all laws related to South Korea relations in advance.The purpose of the relationship between Han and North Korea is also completely broken.

South Korea's Kim Dharma Government (1998 to 2003) opened the heyday of South Korea and North Korea's economic cooperation through the business of King Kong Mountain Tourism and Kaicheng Industrial Park.However, during the period of Li Mingbo and Park Geun -hye's government, a series of crises such as the Tianan Ship incident and Yanping Island shelling, coupled with North Korea for nuclear tests, etc., the Kaicheng Industrial Park has been closed for eight years.100 million won (about 1.3 billion yuan).