A person familiar with the matter revealed that If I was elected president of the United States, the presidentHe will ban the short video platform Tiktok and refuse electric cars containing Chinese -made parts.

It is revealed that in addition to imposing tariffs on China again, Trump also discussed with his consultant to drive Tiktok out of the United States and prohibit electric vehicles assembled by Chinese components or using Chinese components in Europe or Mexico.

In addition, Trump is also going to take a series of punitive trade measures to the EU after coming to power to solve long -term dissatisfaction.

Bloomberg reported that a conversation with Trump consultants showed that if Trump wins in November, the European Union will undoubtedly be one of the main goals in trade issues.

Trump's allies revealed that a possible starting point of Trump's second term is to include the EU into the scope of tariffs that are applicable to China and the minimum of 10%.Trump may also use the 301 clauses of the US Trade Law to counter the European digital service tax against US technology giants.

Europe began to prevent the trade war with the United States

According to a senior EU official, given that Trump's style of behavior is becoming more and more aggressive, EU member states generally believe that if Trump will be elected as the president of the United States again, he will take tariffs such as tariffs.

The official who did not want to disclose his name also said that EU member states have the responsibility to prepare for possible situations.