(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) Israeli Prime Minister Neitanahu rejected Hamas's Gaza ceasefire request, and ordered the troops to prepare to enter the southernmost town of Gaza to Lafa and kill Hamas militants.

Nei Tanahu delivered a television speech on Wednesday (February 7), saying that he had ordered the Israeli Army to prepare to launch a operation in Lafa, saying that it only takes a few months to defeat Hamas.

Regarding Hamas's ceasefire requirements, Neitana said, "Sad the weird demands of Hamas we just heard ... it will only cause another massacre", and it cannot ensure that the hostage is released.

Hamas's senior member of Berut responded to Neutanahu's speech that Neutana "insisted on continuing to invade and proved his goal was to carry out ethnic extinction against the Palestinians."

Hamdan urged "all resistance factions to continue fighting" and alert to Israel "the adultery of the last minute of this confrontation."

Hamas responded to the ceasefire agreement proposed by the United States and Israel under the mediation of Egypt and Qatar.According to Reuters, Hamas demanded a ceasefire for four and a half months. During the period, all hostages were released, Israel withdrew from Gaza, and reached an agreement on the end of the war.

U.S. Secretary of State Brosky, who is mediation in the Middle East, said, "Although there are some obvious impossible in Hamas's response", it still creates room for reaching an agreement."We will work unremittingly until the goal is achieved."

Brinken held a talks with Nei Tanahu a few hours ago.Regarding Neutana's rejection of Hamas's proposal, Brinken said that he "will not speak Israel, but he pointed out that Hamas's anti -proposal provided at least one opportunity to" negotiate "on the hostage problem.

Egyptian officials revealed that a new round of negotiations aimed at achieving Gaza peaceful negotiations on Cairo on Thursday.Hamas confirmed that he would send delegations to Cairo to follow up with the peacetime promoted by Egypt and Qatar.

Hamas ’s assault on October 7 caused 1160 deaths and about 250 people. Israel launched an air strike and ground attack on Gaza, which has caused more than 27,000 people in Gaza.

The fate of hostages has troubled the Israeli society. Although Neutanhahu has repeatedly insisted that military pressure is the only way for them to go home, but over time, the more the call for him to reach an agreement with Hamas also, the moreCome more.

The release of the release of the release of the release of the temporary ceasefire agreement in November, Mohh, shouted to Nengahu at the press conference held by Traviv: "Everything is in your control. I am very scared and very worried, if youContinue to persist in destroying the route of Hamas, there will be no hostages to be released. "

The Army is preparing to further advance to the southern end of Gaza, which makes people worry about the fate of Palestine refugees who have refuge in the Lafaya Town, which borders Egypt.It is estimated that more than half of the 2.4 million population of Gaza have been forced to this border town.

Grefis, head of the United Nations Humanity Affairs, issued a statement saying: "Their living conditions are very bad, lack of basic necessities of survival, and suffer from hunger, disease and death.Those families who have experienced unimaginable suffering in order to seek safety. "

Brinton did not call for Israel to not enter the La Fa, but expressed concerns about new operations, saying that "any military operations adopted by Israel must put civilians first."