The National Security Agency and other intelligence agencies issued a joint statement on Wednesday (February 7), saying that the key infrastructure of the hackers supported by China has been in the United States for up to five years.

According to Reuters, the hacker organization called "Volt Typhoon" specializes in important network systems such as aviation, railways, and public transportation in the United States.

The U.S. government believes that the purpose of "Typhoon Volt" is to destroy the infrastructure system in the United States, rather than trying to perform espionage by penetrating the network.

Since last Friday (2nd), the U.S. government has conducted countermeasures for the "Volt Typhoon" network activities.Gorztan, a senior official of the US Cyber ​​Security and Infrastructure Security Bureau (CISA), told Reuters: "We are very concerned about malicious network activities from China, that is, Volt Typhoon."

It is reported that intelligence agencies in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand have also signed a statement from American intelligence agencies.

Christeve Lei, director of the FBI (FBI), previously warned that the Chinese government's hackers supported by Key infrastructure of civilian use is the attack target , so that the water and electricity can be broken when the conflict occurs, causing practical and significant damage to the American civilians.

The U.S. Department of Justice said that "Volt Typhoon" tried to conceal their activities to attack US infrastructure by controlling hundreds of small US offices or family offices.