Ukrainian President Zelei Sky announced the reorganization of the military leadership. The commander -in -chief of the Armed Forces was fired in the daytime in the daytime. After a few weeks of guessing the differences in the leadership of the Ukrainian war, it has also exacerbated the development direction of the Russian and Ukraine war.Uncertainty.

Bloomberg News quoted people familiar with the matter on Friday (February 9) that the reason for his 50 -year -old Zalu in Dalu was that his dispute with Zellezki continued to intensify.The Ukrainian Army Commander Selski will take over the position of commander -in -chief of the Armed Forces.

Zelei said on the social media platform X (former Twitter): "We discussed what changes needed by the Ukrainian armed forces. We have also discussed who can become the new leader of the armed forces.It's time.

Zalu said: "The task of 2022 is different from the task in 2024, so everyone must change and adapt to the new reality to win a win -win situation." Zalu said that he will continue to stay in the team,But there is no specific explanation of what the new character is.

The 58 -year -old Serieski was born during the Soviet Union. After ordering the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 in Russian President Putin, he played a key role in defending Kiev.

The U.S. Congress argued to the assistance provided by Ukraine. The Bayeng government had put pressure on Zelezzki and asked him to strengthen its military plans to repel Russia's invasion.