(Washington Composite Electric) The five -eye alliance composed of the United States, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand said that the Chinese government supports the hacker "Volt Typhoon" in the network of some key industries for at least five years.Essence

According to the joint network security report on Wednesday (February 7) on Wednesday (February 7), the scope of Chinese hackers includes the United States and Guam.network.

The name of the institution that was publicly invaded by Chinese hackers in the report, but it said that American intelligence officials discovered that hackers "to keep in some victimized information technology environments and have a capable ability for at least five years."


Report states that the invasion of "Typhoon Volt" is exactly the same as Russian hackers, including using "Living Off The Land", that is, using tools in the system to hide their malicious behaviors.

The report said that even the institutions that have adopted good defense measures are difficult to distinguish which are legitimate behaviors and which are malicious activities.

Before the report was released, Gorztan, a senior official of the US Cyber ​​Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), said in an interview that he was very concerned about the malicious network activities of Chinese funding.He also said that most of the recognized victims have no legal spy value.

Chiristo Lei, director of the FBI (FBI), warned during the Congress of Congress: "Chinese hackers are deploying US infrastructure. When they are preparing to launch an attack in ChinaCauses practical damage. "

"Typhoon Volt" is accused of controlling hundreds of American small offices or family offices to try to cover up their activities to attack US infrastructure.The U.S. Department of Justice announced last week that it broke the hacking organization and successfully cleared the malware from the "zombie network" composed of infected routers.

The Chinese League Five Eye Alliance accuses the facts without facts

In response to the latest security warning released by the Five Eyes Alliance, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin accused the Five Eye Alliance on Thursday (8th) accusing the Five Eye Alliance on a discredit attack on China without factual basis.He said that the five -eye alliance has repeatedly discredited China to "cover the five -eye alliance as the world's largest intelligence organization and the United States is the world's largest" hacker empire "."